"Please help me bring back the love of my life." Part one of a two-part series.
Often I receive emails asking me how to use the Law of Attraction to attract a certain person--usually for romatic purposes. One woman, in her 40's, wrote to me this week and has given me permission to share some of our correspondence with you. Perhaps you (or someone you know) will recognize the feelings expressed here:
"Please can you help me understand how to bring back the love of my life. We only dated for a short time but I know he is the one. He has been hurt badly and didn't want to end things with me but felt he had to because he was frightened he would be hurt again. It was a very emotional ending for both of us.
I love him so much that I let him go and I respect him so I have stayed away to give him time and space. We have been apart for three months. In my heart I know that we are meant to be together but even though I was so sad and in despair I still felt loving and kindness towards him and my thoughts were always hopeful. And in my longing and praying several 'co-incidences' have happened.
Not long after we split up I started searching the web for anything that could give me advice about winning back the man I love and discovered the Law of Attraction. . .Can you help me?"
Sometimes a man will write to me in a similar vein: "I'm in love with this wonderful (or beautiful) woman. I know she is the one for me. Our paths have crossed often. How can I get her to notice me (or go out with me)?"
In part one of this two-part series, we'll look at why you are NOT in a relationship with the "love of your dreams." In part two we'll look at what to do when a seemingly "perfect partnership" falls apart. I hope that while reading both you will also understand how the Law of attraction DOES bring the true Mr./Ms. Right your way – because it will work!
Part one: "Why am I NOT in a relationship with the love of my life? What's happening here? Is the Law of Attraction at work?" Of course it is!
The Law of Attraction is always reflecting back to you your vibration. Remember:
You can know what you are vibrating by observing what IS
showing up in your life.
When you think you are in love with someone—and are sure they are "the one," but cannot seem to convince him or her or attract him or her, then they are NOT "the one". If they were, you would already be in a relationship with them--a natural, mutual, harmonious relationship that both of you equally gravitated toward.
Two scenarios are really at play here:
You are in love with the idea of this person being in love with you. That someone with these physical attributes, or character traits, or successes in life could want to be with you is an exhilarating idea.
What often happens is that you meet someone who has five (or ten) characteristics that you are looking for in your ideal partner and you assume that he or she is your "ideal mate." You think, "This is it! I've found 'the one' for me for the rest of my life." However, the attraction just doesn’t seem mutual and you do not understand why. Didn’t the Law of Attraction bring them to you? Well, the real question is are they looking for someone like you? Are you a vibrational match for this person?
Remember that the person you are looking at may only appear to have the qualities you desire. Underneath the exterior clothing of beauty and success, there may be person with entirely different goals, beliefs and core values than yours. Even if you are very similar, what is he or she looking for? The role of their ideal mate may be very different from one you would truly like to play.
The second scenario goes like this:
You are in love with the idea of being “allowed” to love this person Seeing their potential and their needs, you may also see how “helpful” you could be for them as a mate. Searching for love with this motive is especially dangerous because, sadly, more often than not there is simply an insecure, life-draining person there, hoping to find someone to give their life meaning and purpose. (Not a healthy thought.) Victims attract someone who can make them a victim again. The poor attract someone who can enable them to continue in their poverty. The Law of Attraction is not fooled, nor can it be manipulated through words and expressions of desires that are not in alignment with the truth.
But you see so many people around you happy and in love, why does it not come your way?
Here is how the Law of Attraction does work, and how you can make it work for you:
In order to attract the "ideal partner"-- someone who is in vibrational harmony with who you are--you must be what you seek.
Are you looking for someone who is kind? You must be kind. Do you want someone with good looks? You must care about how you look. Do you want someone who will make a commitment to you? Ask yourself, "Do I keep commitments?" Do you want someone who is successful? Ask your self, "Am I vibrating success?"
Remember, the Law of Attraction is bringing to you exactly what you are vibrating. If you want something different in your life, you must change yourself--your vibration. It's an inside job and you can only change yourself-- you can't change someone else's vibration.
I referred to the second scenario as especially dangerous for this reason exactly – you can’t change someone else, and while trying to do so you stop concentrating on yourself, stalling any change and growth that may need to occur in you.
You CAN attract your ideal partner. You CAN find joy in a healthy relationship. Just start with yourself:
KNOW yourself
ACCEPT yourself
HONOR yourself
TRUST yourself
LOVE yourself
When you do, the most perfect relationships happen in a perfectly natural way.
Why? Because your healthy relationship with yourself is reflected in your healthy relationship with that significant other.
Rebecca Hanson is a Master Law of Attraction Coach. Thousands of people have enjoyed her talks or articles about real-life experiences and how she found the "nugget of truth" in every situation. Now she has such a deep grasp of how faith, beliefs and thinking work that she is able to lift others to a higher level, very quickly.
The first thing everyone wants to know after watching the move the secret is, “How do I sue the Secret?” That’s understandable because although the movie is good and it does introduce you to the law of attraction it does not quite tell you how to properly apply it to your life.
The First Step
One of the first things you can do in using the secret law of attraction in y our life is to educate yourself as much as possible on the subject of the law of attraction. Learn the very nature of the law of attraction and how it influences your life.
The core of the secret, are your thoughts which goes a lot deeper than negative verses positive thought. If you understood the truly nature of thought you would be a huge step above those who think they understand the law of attraction.
The Second Step
The second step to mastering the secret law of attraction is to get a journal and begin to write. Do you know most people have no clue what their predominant thought patters is, nor do they even know what it is that they want.
When you get a journal you can begin to explore your feelings on a much deeper level. Seeing your feelings on paper clears it up from being cluttered in your mind.
The Third Step
The third step to using the secret law of attraction is to take small inspired action towards your goals. With your new law of attraction journal you can begin to track daily every action you take that is in alignment with your goals. Its very hard for most people to be aware of the way they spend their time. When you set a specific plan and track it in your journal you have a better change of seeing how your week has gone, your month and then your year.
Much time can pass with many of us taking the same tiresome actions that get us the same lousy results again and again. Then many people say that the law of attraction did not work in their lives but actually the law of attraction did work. It simply worked to give you more of the same conditions you were creating again and again.
The words quick and easy don’t seem believable when it comes to manifesting money. Most everyone has the mindset that if you want money it has to come with hard work.
It may just be true that hard works is necessary however it all depends on what sort of hard work you need to engage in to manifest money quickly and easily.
The whole concept of manifesting requires a deep understanding of not only your relation to your physical reality but also to yourself and your alignment with what you want. You know when you are in alignment with something by the way you feel when you focus upon it. If you feel joyful then you have opened yourself up to the flow of the creative force to pour great magnetism into you.
Attracting money is the same. Everyone who has been successful in manifesting great wealth will repeat this one mantra, “Do what you love and money will come.” This is the first way.
There is a deeper scientific reason for this which goes just beyond the share joy of loving what you do. Although that’s important there is another reason. When you are enjoying what you do you move into a divine flow that empowers your intention.
The second way to attracting money quickly is to remove fear from the equation of your desire and move into boldness. Too often people are unsure of what they want. When you are certain of your desires your mental image will also be clear and easier to manifest.
The third step is the ability to increase magnetism of your desire so that what you want comes to you. This is the true essence of manifesting. The more magnetic you can be the more charge there is between you and what you desire.
The secret to manifesting are in the right techniques. Manifesting is all about technique. You may know the steps but not be aware of just how to apply the steps to increase your magnetism of money
"I don't get it!..."
"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even
wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"
How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?
The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.
But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:
1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that You wear that $5000 suit to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Men, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.
2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils. Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women after he presented hundreds of assorted pictures of men to test subjects. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of her face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.
3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across the eyes and rest at the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!
4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words of phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.
5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!
I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.
Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!
Beauty holds a golden mirror to the shimmering inner essence. It reflects true self-perception as well as the extent of one's discipline.
Attractiveness indicates a sensitivity to those around us. Just as we shine our shoes, wash our cars or trim our lawns to provide “eye-candy” to passers-by, we keep our bodies in the pink of health to offer delightful icons worthy of emulation.
I believe that beauty is not trivial; it is core to civilized society. Imagine everyone abandoning restraint and shuffling around in tattered clothes, drooping bellies, dishevelled hair, blackened fingernails and breath so foul only a mother could love? No one would be happy- except the mouthwash manufacturers. Those who shun beauty as superficial are probably too lazy to reach for a bar of soap or the jump rope.
But, beautiful people are not necessarily supermodels with Greek-god faces and unreal proportions. That is a myth promulgated by sneaky salesmen of snakeoil creams and dangerous bust implants. Let them slather that muck on their faces 24/7. Then, I’d believe them.
Beautiful people are Normal people who watch their diet, keep their bodies clean, and don tasteful, yet inexpensive clothing. They maintain an empowered lifestyle, indulge in mind-expanding books and engage in varied activity that enriches their awareness.
Beauty, more importantly, is internal. The attractive assert their opinions and fight for convictions. Whether handsome or pretty, bland or plain, the internally beautiful betray an intelligence and burning diligence that reflects their personality. Recall that personality is molded by how we carry ourselves and associate with the world at large.
Finally, beauty is holistic. Magnetic people take effort to be the best that they can be. They understand that they are fusions of body, soul and spirit. Hence, they build up each facet by honing their talents and passions. They may have ordinary faces but lead extraordinary lives. These exceptional people are the best humanity can offer; they easily outshine the empty-headed Greek Models of the catwalk.
Augmenting beauty simply means caring of the body and the mind. It doesn’t take much effort, just a tad of self regulation. Here’s how to ooze magnetic attraction:
1. Books and periodicals are your best friend. Beef up what’s in your head and rack up more beauty points with your enlightened discussions. Intelligence is attractive.
2. Watch stand-up comedy. You will develop your sense of humour. Wit is a rare and valued commodity.
3. Is that a burger you’re shovelling down your throat? Stop. You are literally what you eat. Want to be a lard bucket? Then chomp that burger.
4. Soap, shampoo and mouthwash are better than all the pheromone sprays, libido enhancers and failed nose lifts. Good hygiene is the honey that attracts the delightful bees.
5. Dress to impress- 24/7. You probably had one of those moments. There you were, in sloppy coveralls at the mall. Then you run into the boss or a beautiful stranger. Say this with me: “NEVER AGAIN.” One more time. “NEVER AGAIN.”
6. Ask and Listen. The most dazzling conversationalists avoid monopolizing conversations. Rather, they ask tons of questions…. And listen for hours on end. Stop and think about that. Isn’t your best friend a great listener?
7. Finally, think sexy. Feel sexy. You are what you think you are. Your body follows what the mind dictates. The $3000 executive coaches like to pass this astounding piece of common sense for a hefty fee. Save the money.
So, get out there and glow. You can be attractive without those creams, lotions and surgeons.
Be bold. Choose beauty.
The whole idea of the law of attraction is to be a co creator with God in manifesting the things that are deepest to your heart. When you use the law of attraction in the right way you can experience manifesting your desires at a much faster rate than you ever would have had you not made the effort to use it correctly.
You can use the law of attraction to manifest faster results by taking the following steps.
1. Be Grateful Now
Gratitude can dramatically change your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for. When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. So as the first rule to manifesting faster results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.
2. Speak of It
It may seem hypocritical at first when you learn of the law of attraction to speak of your desires as if they are already here. In reality all things are already created. The moment a thought is conceived you have brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and the faster it moves into your state of being. Think of a child who becomes eager about the thing he or she wants. See how eager they are about it? They look up pictures about it, they speak about what they will do when they get it. They don’t worry about how or when it will come, they just know and above all they are excited about it. Speak with joy about what will come into your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you faster.
3. Surround Yourself With The Things You Desire
You maybe asking, how can I surround myself with the things that I want if I don’t have it? It may not be yours at the moment but you can borrow, you can visit, above all you can place yourself in the environment and among the people who are closely link to the things you desire. The successful application of the law of attraction depends on you already being in that energy of what you want. It is up to you to create the state that you want to attract and you do so by being among the things that you want until it is fully yours. The law of attraction will give you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you are speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.
4. Let Go!!!
Let go of what you want. Yes, let it go. Know that you desire to experience a particular thing but don’t hold on out of fear of doubt. The more you cling on to the needing or wanting feeling the more disastrous your manifesting will be. You will only succeed in feeling more needy. Allow yourself to feel full and confident. Those who understand how the universe and the laws of attraction work easily understand the power of their intention and don’t feel stress or needy. They create and know that the law of attraction is working for them and what they create will soon manifest. They create then let go and move into the state of receiving.
There is a great paradox that comes with letting go because a very large part of manifesting requires that you give a lot of focus to your desire but there is a delicate balancing act of focus without feeling needy or being clingy.
5. Learn to Receive
To activate the law of attraction you must move into the state of receiving. This is something most people cannot do. Many people say that they want certain things but few people know how to receive those things that they are asking for. Most people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they want. Deep within they feel that they do not deserve nor will they get what they are asking for. Those tiny feeling of unworthiness are giant blocks in the manifesting process and can only serve in destroying what you are hoping to attract. The law of attraction is a science that takes you deep into your inner nature and allows you to see where you are feeling disconnected as a co-creator with God and the universe. Become worthy and allow yourself to receive.
6. Become Worthy Now
Become worthy by recognizing that you can manifest anything that you want because you are Gods and Goddesses and what you desire is only a tiny speck in the universe. You deserve to manifest what you want because when you are rich you influence those around you in positive ways. When you use the law of attraction to manifest a better life you are in the flow and in a better state of adding value to the world. The faster you can feel worthy of what you desire to manifest the faster it will come.
One of the biggest blocks in manifesting is the feeling of unworthiness that most people feel. God wants you to have, the universe is great enough and there is more than enough for you and everyone else. You are worthy!.
7. Give What You Desire Most
You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.
There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. There are many flawed concepts of giving more than you have, this is very faulty. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give. Give with love on a regular basis but also be aware of conserving your own and the law of attraction will bless you by bringing to you much more than you give. As you give you will get and you will manifest much more than you could ever have imagined and much faster too.

In my forthcoming book, I share Karen Krueger's discovery of her gift for healing horses. Recently, through following her intuition, Karen was able to heal one of her horses of West Nile virus. She has helped many other horses through the application of Reiki and other energetic therapies. Here's a letter from Karen, which I received this week, that demonstrates how applying the Law of Attraction can guide you into finding many streams of income that are in complete alignment with your passion.
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you don't mind one of your students sharing a spectacular story.
Recently, I helped a friend who had broken her arm do some horse blanket repair. This type of sewing has always interested me, but didn't know what it entailed. My background in sewing consists of my mother sewing all my clothes from the time I was very young until I was in Jr. High School. I learned to really sew in Jr. High, and continued on making some of my clothes and then recently I began quilting. Sewing has been an intragal part of my life. I have even made clothes for my horses --like leg wraps and ankle boots. But I never knew how to make money at sewing.
SOOO....I really enjoyed helping my friend, and I even more, I enjoyed sewing horse blankets. It is a bit like quilting and there is creativity involved in piecing everything together. I LOVE IT!! My husband is 100% supportive and now he has financed me to start up my own business. I bought a used industrial sewing machine, and my out of work neighbor built two beautiful work tables for me. The basement is perfect place to set up my shop. The local feed stores are promoting my business. Since we live so far out of town where there are lots of horses and farms, there will be lots of work. I am attracting and visualizing the perfect clients will come to me for their horse clothing repairs.
This has come together just perfectly! It's amazing! I'm finding the equipment so easily, the materials are coming to me easily--for example: On Sunday, I just said to myself that it would be so nice to find someone who is getting rid of old used blankets for me to practice on. And 'lo and behold, I am driving down the road on Monday, and our neighbor, who just sold his house, had a bunch of junk by the road for the garbage pick up. There was a pile of used horse blankets lying there. WELL, I did a quick U turn and drove up to the house and asked if I could rummage through their stuff and take the blankets. They told me to help myself. Oh my gosh, there were SEVEN Blankets. And they are all salvageable!
You know, I kept thinking of you, Rebecca and how you started with your website business. Didn't that pave the way for your other businesses? [Absolutely!] I had been trying to think of something I could do that would tie into the horse-healing business. I felt there must be something that I would enjoy doing and could make money at. I have always been independent, and this will give me my own income to support my other habits, more horse healing seminars, etc.
I just finished one of the blankets tonight. It was really fun to repair--in fact, I LOVE IT. I feel certain that this business this will help pave the way for me to become established in the community and develop credibilty with the people I am supposed to come in contact with. And in turn it will help to establish me in the horse healing.
Oh, I also attracted the perfect horse sitter for the week we will be gone to Stockton, CA. She loves horses the way I do, and will be a perfect caregiver for all my horses. She passed the 'Lucy test'. Lucy liked her! She is exactly what I asked for.
Oh, one more thing happened this week--I wanted to find someone who could come in and organize my house which is pretty chaotic with two-year-old twins. I discovered my neighbor is a specialist at not only cleaning houses, but in organization as well! She's coming tommorrow.
Since I began applying the Law of Attraction to my life, things are just happening!
I am just so excited. I wanted to share it with you, Rebecca and say 'Thank you!' for teaching and demonstrating how the Law of Attraction works.
Karen Krueger
There's no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either are IN INTEGRITY offering a PURE positive vibration which the Law of Attraction responds to. Or you're OUT of INTEGRITY which creates a negative or mixed vibration, which the Law of Attraction cannot ignore.
Here's a real-life story which demonstrates what happens to our vibration when we are out of INTEGRITY.
I was feeling pretty upbeat after our coaching session yesterday and really excited about winning a prize pack from the radio station.
After picking up my prize, I noticed Spyware, an electronics store, and decided to go in and compare prices with an item I had just bought from Radio Shack yesterday. Spyware had the exact same item on sale for $10.00 less so I bought it with the intention of returning the first item to Radio Shack. When I compared the two products they were exactly the same, with the exact same bar codes and packaging. However, I noticed the cheaper item had one wire a couple centimeters shorter than the more expensive item.
I made a decision to return the item with the shorter wire (the one purchased at Spyware) back to Radio Shack and keep the original item. Thus saving $10.00 but keeping the better product.
After the clerk had finished all the paperwork I felt extremely guilty. But then I rationalized it was too late to do anything about it and told myself I would just have to let this guilt go. What a way to bring my high vibration to a crashing halt. I reminded myself that this is why I shouldn't do things like this in the first place because not only can I not live with the guilt but now it is a double whammy because I'm so aware of my vibration and this is bringing it way down.
Anytime we do something that is not in alignment with our core values, we feel negative emotions which hinder us from receiving the real desires of our heart.
The antidote is simple: be honest, pay all debts, return what you've borrowed, speak kindly about others and keep your word. In other words, do nothing that will hinder the flow of pure positive energy toward you. Be true to your self an you'll open the way for receiving everything that will make you happy.
This same client had such an opportunity to 'make it right' on an energetic level. Again, she wrote:
I was feeling pretty bad when I returned to my office, and then remembered I needed to go to the bank. I went up to the bank machine and there was $40.00 sitting in the slot. Someone had forgotten to take it with them after they finished their transaction. They had also forgotten to take their bank slip. I took both out of the machine and put them in my pocket while I did my own banking.
Now I was dealing with the moral dilemma of what I should do with the found money. I so badly wanted to keep the money as I am heavily in debt with all my credit cards almost maxed out. I tried rationalizing: The bank slip doesn't have the account number on it so it's not like one can trace it but it did say that the person had a balance of $195.00 which isn't very much.
I remembered how I felt when I once left $20.00 in the bank machine myself and went back for it but it was gone.
I then decided to go into the bank and leave the $40.00 with a bank teller. While I was waiting in line, another lady came into the bank and told me I left my card in the bank machine so I went back to get it. Then she came back again saying now I'd left my bank slip in the machine. This is how frazzled I was!
Anyways, I gave the money to a bank teller with my business card and I am feeling much better.
I feel like the Universe gave me an opportunity not only to redeem myself but also an opportunity to change my vibration after something I've done in the past that I feel badly about.
Indeed! This client demonstrates the wonderful way the Law of Attraction works: Her dominant intention was to offer a high vibration so that she can attract more money and enjoy her life.
The Law of Attraction arranged an opportunity (the item from Radio Shack.) Her actions in the first opportunity caused her vibration to drop, which didn't feel good. So she RESET her intention to feel good,and the Law of Attraction sent her another opportunity to take actions that feel better.
I don't know why, but it seems we trip over the "allowing" part of the Deliberate Attraction formula more often than the other two parts. The Deliberate Attraction formula gives us a simple description of how to leverage the Law of Attraction so we can attract more of what we DO want and enjoy. The three steps are simply:
1) Become very clear about what you DO want.
2) Raise your internal vibration, through removing doubts and fears, so you are a vibrational match for your desire.
3) Allow your desire to come to you.
Much has been written already about the first two steps. You'll find lots of personal stories and succinct teaching in my articles at YouCanHaveItAll.com. But how do we "allow"--what do we need to do to actually receive what we so clearly desire, yet do not have?
Recently, I had a nice experience of what it feels like to "allow." I've been noticing that my office wastebasket is inadequately spilling over too often. It is just a little eight-inch sea-grass basket and it hardly holds two days worth of opened envelopes and crumpled paper. After months of mentally complaining about its lack of capacity, I finally asked myself, "So, what kind of wastebasket would I like?"
I began to imagine a sleek, black, matte finish wastebasket--about 15 inches high with a 12 inch diameter top, and tapered at the bottom. Yes, that would be adequate for a week's worth of trash from my office and it would look professional alongside my other black office accessories.
Next I collected data on possible wastebaskets. For about a week, every time I entered a building that might have my ideal wastebasket, I looked for it. I found step-on aluminum cans--no, I don't want to step on anything. I found black plastic trash bins with swivel lids--no, I don't want a swivel lid--I want an open receptacle so I can toss paper into it. I found black trash cans on wheels--too industrial looking. I found ceramic pots that were almost right--too heavy to empty out. I was noticing the price range went from $18.99 to $49.99.
Finally, I let it go. I told myself, "The right one will show up." And it did.
I was at the Hudson Bay Store, here in Victoria, BC, making a purchase when I decided to cash-in some of my "Reward Points" for a gift certificate. I had NEVER thought about cashing-in Reward Points before--it had never occurred to me to do so. I took the elevator to the fifth floor and while a delightful young lady at the Reward Counter prepared my gift certificate, my eye scanned across the isle. There I noticed A BLACK WASTEBASKET--just the size and shape I had pictured in my imagination. With gift card in hand, I swiftly crossed the isle and lifted the basket. "Ah, it is made of felt-board--very lightweight. Matte black finish with nail-head trim. About 14 inches high and 12 inches in diameter--tapered at the bottom. Very professional looking." I turned the basket upside-down to read the price: "$16.99." Very good! With my gift certificate in hand I proceeded to the checkout stand. When the clerk scanned the price, she gasped and asked me, "How much do you think this costs?"
"Well, the sticker says '$16.99'."
She was shaking her head in disbelief as she replied, "It's on sale for $5.00."
"Five dollars?" I asked, in complete surprise.
"Five dollars," she repeated.
"I'll pay cash and save my gift certificate!"
Can you imagine the joy I felt at that moment? Not only was the price right, but the manner in which my exact desire had come to me was absolutely delicious!
"Allowing" is simply the old adage: "Let go, and let God." It's "Detachment from the outcome." More like "Detachment from forcing something to happen."
Allowing is truly letting the Law of Attraction bring your desire into your sphere in its own time, place and manner. Allowing doesn't mean getting second best--it means allowing the Law of Attraction to bring your exact desire--in the BEST way possible.
Is there something you are not allowing through trying to make it happen or by wanting it a certain way or at a certain time? Let it go. Believe that the Law of Attraction WILL bring it to you in the perfect time and the perfect way. Believe it because that IS the law.
There is a well known and very much overlooked ‘secret’ that Master Manifestors use continuously. It is a very basic, simple component that sets in motion all that exists in the human world. We all know it is real and absolutely necessary. Yet the vast majority of people do their level best to avoid it.
Without this ‘secret’, all dreams, hopes, wishes and well intentioned goals will remain in a keepsake box stuffed under the bed. The box will be pulled out on rainy afternoons, and its carefully saved articles dusted off and cherished once more. Some time will be spent in pondering potential possibilities, and hopefulness will expire. Great wistfulness will settle over its guardian, and with a tired resolve, the goals, ambitions and really serious potential will be carefully put to rest once more.
The real definition of potential, to put it politely, is ‘worth nothing as it sits right now’. Goals, dreams, wishes, hopes and desire have only potential without the obvious secret that can only lead to manifestation. Not worth a darn right now. There is little so common in the world as latent potential. But add the magic ingredient, and your desires will become manifest before your eyes. Pour a viscous, electric blue liquid into your keepsake box, and it will empty itself into your real world.
This secret, magic ingredient is commonly known as ‘action’. Git’r done, get it on, go, just do it, start, ACTION. This is a billion dollar concept that gifted speakers devote entire seminars to.
All desires must begin their journey into manifestation somewhere. All things already exist, but you must accept them, or go get them. You must actively allow results to happen. Take action, and get what it is you want.
Consider a sated, comfortable diner sitting after dinner at a lavish restaurant buffet. All he wanted to eat waits in shiny serving dishes. He tremendously wishes for a piece of delicious pie, but has none. Magnificent fresh pie is only across the room. Does he really want the pie itself, or is the activity of wanting pie more fun? Which will be more satisfying, wanting the desire, or fulfilling the desire? What will it take to fulfill this dream? In the diner’s case, the monumental undertaking of getting up and taking the pie will satisfy a craving.
Lose the potential, and take the action. Start and the path to success will unfold in front of you as you walk upon it. The pathway will continue as long as you wish to travel, but you must take that first step. Desire all you want, but without actually doing something about it, the reality will never manifest itself in front of you, and remain a wistful keepsake stuffed under the bed in a box.
Take action, start, and your path will reveal itself to you. Action.
By Kelly Archibald

"Please can you help me understand how to bring back the love of my life. We only dated for a short time but I know he is the one. He has been hurt badly and didn't want to end things with me but felt he had to because he was frightened he would be hurt again. It was a very emotional ending for both of us.
I love him so much that I let him go and I respect him so I have stayed away to give him time and space. We have been apart for three months. In my heart I know that we are meant to be together but even though I was so sad and in despair I still felt loving and kindness towards him and my thoughts were always hopeful. And in my longing and praying several 'co-incidences' have happened.
Not long after we split up I started searching the web for anything that could give me advice about winning back the man I love and discovered the Law of Attraction. . .Can you help me?"
Sometimes a man will write to me in a similar vein: "I'm in love with this wonderful (or beautiful) woman. I know she is the one for me. Our paths have crossed often. How can I get her to notice me (or go out with me)?"
In part one of this two-part series, we'll look at why you are NOT in a relationship with the "love of your dreams." In part two we'll look at what to do when a seemingly "perfect partnership" falls apart. I hope that while reading both you will also understand how the Law of attraction DOES bring the true Mr./Ms. Right your way – because it will work!
Part one: "Why am I NOT in a relationship with the love of my life? What's happening here? Is the Law of Attraction at work?" Of course it is!
The Law of Attraction is always reflecting back to you your vibration. Remember:
You can know what you are vibrating by observing what IS
showing up in your life.
When you think you are in love with someone—and are sure they are "the one," but cannot seem to convince him or her or attract him or her, then they are NOT "the one". If they were, you would already be in a relationship with them--a natural, mutual, harmonious relationship that both of you equally gravitated toward.
Two scenarios are really at play here:
You are in love with the idea of this person being in love with you. That someone with these physical attributes, or character traits, or successes in life could want to be with you is an exhilarating idea.
What often happens is that you meet someone who has five (or ten) characteristics that you are looking for in your ideal partner and you assume that he or she is your "ideal mate." You think, "This is it! I've found 'the one' for me for the rest of my life." However, the attraction just doesn’t seem mutual and you do not understand why. Didn’t the Law of Attraction bring them to you? Well, the real question is are they looking for someone like you? Are you a vibrational match for this person?
Remember that the person you are looking at may only appear to have the qualities you desire. Underneath the exterior clothing of beauty and success, there may be person with entirely different goals, beliefs and core values than yours. Even if you are very similar, what is he or she looking for? The role of their ideal mate may be very different from one you would truly like to play.
The second scenario goes like this:
You are in love with the idea of being “allowed” to love this person Seeing their potential and their needs, you may also see how “helpful” you could be for them as a mate. Searching for love with this motive is especially dangerous because, sadly, more often than not there is simply an insecure, life-draining person there, hoping to find someone to give their life meaning and purpose. (Not a healthy thought.) Victims attract someone who can make them a victim again. The poor attract someone who can enable them to continue in their poverty. The Law of Attraction is not fooled, nor can it be manipulated through words and expressions of desires that are not in alignment with the truth.
But you see so many people around you happy and in love, why does it not come your way?
Here is how the Law of Attraction does work, and how you can make it work for you:
In order to attract the "ideal partner"-- someone who is in vibrational harmony with who you are--you must be what you seek.
Are you looking for someone who is kind? You must be kind. Do you want someone with good looks? You must care about how you look. Do you want someone who will make a commitment to you? Ask yourself, "Do I keep commitments?" Do you want someone who is successful? Ask your self, "Am I vibrating success?"
Remember, the Law of Attraction is bringing to you exactly what you are vibrating. If you want something different in your life, you must change yourself--your vibration. It's an inside job and you can only change yourself-- you can't change someone else's vibration.
I referred to the second scenario as especially dangerous for this reason exactly – you can’t change someone else, and while trying to do so you stop concentrating on yourself, stalling any change and growth that may need to occur in you.
You CAN attract your ideal partner. You CAN find joy in a healthy relationship. Just start with yourself:
KNOW yourself
ACCEPT yourself
HONOR yourself
TRUST yourself
LOVE yourself
When you do, the most perfect relationships happen in a perfectly natural way.
Why? Because your healthy relationship with yourself is reflected in your healthy relationship with that significant other.
Rebecca Hanson is a Master Law of Attraction Coach. Thousands of people have enjoyed her talks or articles about real-life experiences and how she found the "nugget of truth" in every situation. Now she has such a deep grasp of how faith, beliefs and thinking work that she is able to lift others to a higher level, very quickly.
3 Ways to Use the Secret in Your Life
The first thing everyone wants to know after watching the move the secret is, “How do I sue the Secret?” That’s understandable because although the movie is good and it does introduce you to the law of attraction it does not quite tell you how to properly apply it to your life.
The First Step
One of the first things you can do in using the secret law of attraction in y our life is to educate yourself as much as possible on the subject of the law of attraction. Learn the very nature of the law of attraction and how it influences your life.
The core of the secret, are your thoughts which goes a lot deeper than negative verses positive thought. If you understood the truly nature of thought you would be a huge step above those who think they understand the law of attraction.
The Second Step
The second step to mastering the secret law of attraction is to get a journal and begin to write. Do you know most people have no clue what their predominant thought patters is, nor do they even know what it is that they want.
When you get a journal you can begin to explore your feelings on a much deeper level. Seeing your feelings on paper clears it up from being cluttered in your mind.
The Third Step
The third step to using the secret law of attraction is to take small inspired action towards your goals. With your new law of attraction journal you can begin to track daily every action you take that is in alignment with your goals. Its very hard for most people to be aware of the way they spend their time. When you set a specific plan and track it in your journal you have a better change of seeing how your week has gone, your month and then your year.
Much time can pass with many of us taking the same tiresome actions that get us the same lousy results again and again. Then many people say that the law of attraction did not work in their lives but actually the law of attraction did work. It simply worked to give you more of the same conditions you were creating again and again.
3 Ways You Can Manifest Money Quickly and Easily
The words quick and easy don’t seem believable when it comes to manifesting money. Most everyone has the mindset that if you want money it has to come with hard work.
It may just be true that hard works is necessary however it all depends on what sort of hard work you need to engage in to manifest money quickly and easily.
The whole concept of manifesting requires a deep understanding of not only your relation to your physical reality but also to yourself and your alignment with what you want. You know when you are in alignment with something by the way you feel when you focus upon it. If you feel joyful then you have opened yourself up to the flow of the creative force to pour great magnetism into you.
Attracting money is the same. Everyone who has been successful in manifesting great wealth will repeat this one mantra, “Do what you love and money will come.” This is the first way.
There is a deeper scientific reason for this which goes just beyond the share joy of loving what you do. Although that’s important there is another reason. When you are enjoying what you do you move into a divine flow that empowers your intention.
The second way to attracting money quickly is to remove fear from the equation of your desire and move into boldness. Too often people are unsure of what they want. When you are certain of your desires your mental image will also be clear and easier to manifest.
The third step is the ability to increase magnetism of your desire so that what you want comes to you. This is the true essence of manifesting. The more magnetic you can be the more charge there is between you and what you desire.
The secret to manifesting are in the right techniques. Manifesting is all about technique. You may know the steps but not be aware of just how to apply the steps to increase your magnetism of money
5 Dazzling Ways to Make Any Woman Fall In Love With You
"I don't get it!..."
"I've a nice car. I'm accomplished. My A-List CV make the next guy look funky. I even
wear the latest Armani! Why doesn't she flip for me? Why am I always alone??"
How many times did you pound the dashboard of your Corvette bewailing this persistent question?
The avenue to Romance is littered with roadkill hearts and unrequited love.If you think you're unique in your loneliness, think again. There is enough dashboard pounding out there to start a global orchestra of dire distress.
But don't despair. Before you spin out of control, deploy the airbags fast. These strategic maneuvers should cruise you back on track:
1) Dress to Kill - all the time: No I don't intend that You wear that $5000 suit to the grocers or the Rolex to walk the dog. What I want you to do is is to dress decently each time you hit the streets. Dab on some cologne. Be neatly shaven. Men, women are everywhere. If you dress with flash only at the bar or the party, you're missing out on 95% of eligible women. Some of the best relationships were forged during chance encounters at the bus stop.
2) Bedroom Eyes - When exploring new relationships with that sexy stranger, intensify the eye contact. Lock deep into her pupils. Let the rest of the world disappear even as a horde of supermodels troop by. You will naturally thrill her with the attention as she experiences the tendrils of growing attraction. Ethnologists have a term for it, the copulatory gaze. Get your eyes even sexier by enlargening your pupils. Dr. Hess concluded that dilated pupils are far far more attractive to women after he presented hundreds of assorted pictures of men to test subjects. How does one get the pupils popping? Simply gaze at the most alluring parts of her face and fill your mind with loving caring thoughts. Your pupils naturally grow, endowing you with irresistible eyes.
3) Visual Caress - Get your eyes do some facial travelling as you chat. Linger a bit on the nose, traipse across the eyes and rest at the lips. Drink in her facial features as though you were admiring the Mona Lisa. She will delight in the attention!
4) Easter Eggs - Stumped at having nothing to say? Listen carefully for easter eggs as you talk. These are unusual words of phrases that she utters. Ask her to expound on it. Say "What's the story behind that?" or "How do you feel about that?". Women love to be probed for their opinions and their feelings.Gently bring out her emotions with sensitive open-ended questions.
5) Keep it Adrenaline Charged - Men talk facts: stock figures, bill payments, and boring engine specs. Women are different. They delight in FEELINGS TALK: how the new dress takes them to 7th heaven, how that special meal got them all giddy with ecstasy, how their shopping expedition drains their deepest problems away. Leverage this by steering away from facts talk. Pick out emotionally charged subjects and ask her how she especially relates to them. You'll be her new confidant!
I know what you're thinking. It's all common sense! That's true, but ask yourself this: how many of you actually practice this? Be honest.
Get out there and be the man women loves. Use your common sense!
7 Spells To Unstoppable Magnetic Attraction
Beauty holds a golden mirror to the shimmering inner essence. It reflects true self-perception as well as the extent of one's discipline.
Attractiveness indicates a sensitivity to those around us. Just as we shine our shoes, wash our cars or trim our lawns to provide “eye-candy” to passers-by, we keep our bodies in the pink of health to offer delightful icons worthy of emulation.
I believe that beauty is not trivial; it is core to civilized society. Imagine everyone abandoning restraint and shuffling around in tattered clothes, drooping bellies, dishevelled hair, blackened fingernails and breath so foul only a mother could love? No one would be happy- except the mouthwash manufacturers. Those who shun beauty as superficial are probably too lazy to reach for a bar of soap or the jump rope.
But, beautiful people are not necessarily supermodels with Greek-god faces and unreal proportions. That is a myth promulgated by sneaky salesmen of snakeoil creams and dangerous bust implants. Let them slather that muck on their faces 24/7. Then, I’d believe them.
Beautiful people are Normal people who watch their diet, keep their bodies clean, and don tasteful, yet inexpensive clothing. They maintain an empowered lifestyle, indulge in mind-expanding books and engage in varied activity that enriches their awareness.
Beauty, more importantly, is internal. The attractive assert their opinions and fight for convictions. Whether handsome or pretty, bland or plain, the internally beautiful betray an intelligence and burning diligence that reflects their personality. Recall that personality is molded by how we carry ourselves and associate with the world at large.
Finally, beauty is holistic. Magnetic people take effort to be the best that they can be. They understand that they are fusions of body, soul and spirit. Hence, they build up each facet by honing their talents and passions. They may have ordinary faces but lead extraordinary lives. These exceptional people are the best humanity can offer; they easily outshine the empty-headed Greek Models of the catwalk.
Augmenting beauty simply means caring of the body and the mind. It doesn’t take much effort, just a tad of self regulation. Here’s how to ooze magnetic attraction:
1. Books and periodicals are your best friend. Beef up what’s in your head and rack up more beauty points with your enlightened discussions. Intelligence is attractive.
2. Watch stand-up comedy. You will develop your sense of humour. Wit is a rare and valued commodity.
3. Is that a burger you’re shovelling down your throat? Stop. You are literally what you eat. Want to be a lard bucket? Then chomp that burger.
4. Soap, shampoo and mouthwash are better than all the pheromone sprays, libido enhancers and failed nose lifts. Good hygiene is the honey that attracts the delightful bees.
5. Dress to impress- 24/7. You probably had one of those moments. There you were, in sloppy coveralls at the mall. Then you run into the boss or a beautiful stranger. Say this with me: “NEVER AGAIN.” One more time. “NEVER AGAIN.”
6. Ask and Listen. The most dazzling conversationalists avoid monopolizing conversations. Rather, they ask tons of questions…. And listen for hours on end. Stop and think about that. Isn’t your best friend a great listener?
7. Finally, think sexy. Feel sexy. You are what you think you are. Your body follows what the mind dictates. The $3000 executive coaches like to pass this astounding piece of common sense for a hefty fee. Save the money.
So, get out there and glow. You can be attractive without those creams, lotions and surgeons.
Be bold. Choose beauty.
7 Ways to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Faster Results
The whole idea of the law of attraction is to be a co creator with God in manifesting the things that are deepest to your heart. When you use the law of attraction in the right way you can experience manifesting your desires at a much faster rate than you ever would have had you not made the effort to use it correctly.
You can use the law of attraction to manifest faster results by taking the following steps.
1. Be Grateful Now
Gratitude can dramatically change your life but best of all it gets the law of attraction to give you more of what you are feeling grateful and happy for. When you are feeling frustrated and down the law of attraction gives you more reasons to feel down. You manifest more situations that make you feel unhappy. So as the first rule to manifesting faster results begin to see all the things in your present life that you are grateful for no matter how simple it is.
2. Speak of It
It may seem hypocritical at first when you learn of the law of attraction to speak of your desires as if they are already here. In reality all things are already created. The moment a thought is conceived you have brought it into your reality. The more you speak of that thought the stronger it becomes and the faster it moves into your state of being. Think of a child who becomes eager about the thing he or she wants. See how eager they are about it? They look up pictures about it, they speak about what they will do when they get it. They don’t worry about how or when it will come, they just know and above all they are excited about it. Speak with joy about what will come into your life because your words and thoughts about it feeds that creation and brings it to you faster.
3. Surround Yourself With The Things You Desire
You maybe asking, how can I surround myself with the things that I want if I don’t have it? It may not be yours at the moment but you can borrow, you can visit, above all you can place yourself in the environment and among the people who are closely link to the things you desire. The successful application of the law of attraction depends on you already being in that energy of what you want. It is up to you to create the state that you want to attract and you do so by being among the things that you want until it is fully yours. The law of attraction will give you quite easily what you bring into your focus, whether you are speaking of it or observing it. You get more of what you surround yourself with.
4. Let Go!!!
Let go of what you want. Yes, let it go. Know that you desire to experience a particular thing but don’t hold on out of fear of doubt. The more you cling on to the needing or wanting feeling the more disastrous your manifesting will be. You will only succeed in feeling more needy. Allow yourself to feel full and confident. Those who understand how the universe and the laws of attraction work easily understand the power of their intention and don’t feel stress or needy. They create and know that the law of attraction is working for them and what they create will soon manifest. They create then let go and move into the state of receiving.
There is a great paradox that comes with letting go because a very large part of manifesting requires that you give a lot of focus to your desire but there is a delicate balancing act of focus without feeling needy or being clingy.
5. Learn to Receive
To activate the law of attraction you must move into the state of receiving. This is something most people cannot do. Many people say that they want certain things but few people know how to receive those things that they are asking for. Most people feel doubtful or unworthy about what they want. Deep within they feel that they do not deserve nor will they get what they are asking for. Those tiny feeling of unworthiness are giant blocks in the manifesting process and can only serve in destroying what you are hoping to attract. The law of attraction is a science that takes you deep into your inner nature and allows you to see where you are feeling disconnected as a co-creator with God and the universe. Become worthy and allow yourself to receive.
6. Become Worthy Now
Become worthy by recognizing that you can manifest anything that you want because you are Gods and Goddesses and what you desire is only a tiny speck in the universe. You deserve to manifest what you want because when you are rich you influence those around you in positive ways. When you use the law of attraction to manifest a better life you are in the flow and in a better state of adding value to the world. The faster you can feel worthy of what you desire to manifest the faster it will come.
One of the biggest blocks in manifesting is the feeling of unworthiness that most people feel. God wants you to have, the universe is great enough and there is more than enough for you and everyone else. You are worthy!.
7. Give What You Desire Most
You may not have all the money in the world for yourself but you do have something of value and that thing which is of value to you may be in scarce supply to someone else. Give to others and you will be stunned and amazed by how fast the law of attraction will manifest abundance in your life.
There is a natural flow in the universe and in order to manifest more you must also be in the flow of giving. Give to others as long as you do not give more of yourself. There are many flawed concepts of giving more than you have, this is very faulty. Give only what you can, never ever deplete yourself. Give what makes you feel happy to give. Give with love on a regular basis but also be aware of conserving your own and the law of attraction will bless you by bringing to you much more than you give. As you give you will get and you will manifest much more than you could ever have imagined and much faster too.
A New Stream Of Income For A Horse-Healer
In my forthcoming book, I share Karen Krueger's discovery of her gift for healing horses. Recently, through following her intuition, Karen was able to heal one of her horses of West Nile virus. She has helped many other horses through the application of Reiki and other energetic therapies. Here's a letter from Karen, which I received this week, that demonstrates how applying the Law of Attraction can guide you into finding many streams of income that are in complete alignment with your passion.
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you don't mind one of your students sharing a spectacular story.
Recently, I helped a friend who had broken her arm do some horse blanket repair. This type of sewing has always interested me, but didn't know what it entailed. My background in sewing consists of my mother sewing all my clothes from the time I was very young until I was in Jr. High School. I learned to really sew in Jr. High, and continued on making some of my clothes and then recently I began quilting. Sewing has been an intragal part of my life. I have even made clothes for my horses --like leg wraps and ankle boots. But I never knew how to make money at sewing.
SOOO....I really enjoyed helping my friend, and I even more, I enjoyed sewing horse blankets. It is a bit like quilting and there is creativity involved in piecing everything together. I LOVE IT!! My husband is 100% supportive and now he has financed me to start up my own business. I bought a used industrial sewing machine, and my out of work neighbor built two beautiful work tables for me. The basement is perfect place to set up my shop. The local feed stores are promoting my business. Since we live so far out of town where there are lots of horses and farms, there will be lots of work. I am attracting and visualizing the perfect clients will come to me for their horse clothing repairs.
This has come together just perfectly! It's amazing! I'm finding the equipment so easily, the materials are coming to me easily--for example: On Sunday, I just said to myself that it would be so nice to find someone who is getting rid of old used blankets for me to practice on. And 'lo and behold, I am driving down the road on Monday, and our neighbor, who just sold his house, had a bunch of junk by the road for the garbage pick up. There was a pile of used horse blankets lying there. WELL, I did a quick U turn and drove up to the house and asked if I could rummage through their stuff and take the blankets. They told me to help myself. Oh my gosh, there were SEVEN Blankets. And they are all salvageable!
You know, I kept thinking of you, Rebecca and how you started with your website business. Didn't that pave the way for your other businesses? [Absolutely!] I had been trying to think of something I could do that would tie into the horse-healing business. I felt there must be something that I would enjoy doing and could make money at. I have always been independent, and this will give me my own income to support my other habits, more horse healing seminars, etc.
I just finished one of the blankets tonight. It was really fun to repair--in fact, I LOVE IT. I feel certain that this business this will help pave the way for me to become established in the community and develop credibilty with the people I am supposed to come in contact with. And in turn it will help to establish me in the horse healing.
Oh, I also attracted the perfect horse sitter for the week we will be gone to Stockton, CA. She loves horses the way I do, and will be a perfect caregiver for all my horses. She passed the 'Lucy test'. Lucy liked her! She is exactly what I asked for.
Oh, one more thing happened this week--I wanted to find someone who could come in and organize my house which is pretty chaotic with two-year-old twins. I discovered my neighbor is a specialist at not only cleaning houses, but in organization as well! She's coming tommorrow.
Since I began applying the Law of Attraction to my life, things are just happening!
I am just so excited. I wanted to share it with you, Rebecca and say 'Thank you!' for teaching and demonstrating how the Law of Attraction works.
Karen Krueger
Abundance Flourishes In An Atmosphere Of Integrity
There's no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either are IN INTEGRITY offering a PURE positive vibration which the Law of Attraction responds to. Or you're OUT of INTEGRITY which creates a negative or mixed vibration, which the Law of Attraction cannot ignore.
Here's a real-life story which demonstrates what happens to our vibration when we are out of INTEGRITY.
I was feeling pretty upbeat after our coaching session yesterday and really excited about winning a prize pack from the radio station.
After picking up my prize, I noticed Spyware, an electronics store, and decided to go in and compare prices with an item I had just bought from Radio Shack yesterday. Spyware had the exact same item on sale for $10.00 less so I bought it with the intention of returning the first item to Radio Shack. When I compared the two products they were exactly the same, with the exact same bar codes and packaging. However, I noticed the cheaper item had one wire a couple centimeters shorter than the more expensive item.
I made a decision to return the item with the shorter wire (the one purchased at Spyware) back to Radio Shack and keep the original item. Thus saving $10.00 but keeping the better product.
After the clerk had finished all the paperwork I felt extremely guilty. But then I rationalized it was too late to do anything about it and told myself I would just have to let this guilt go. What a way to bring my high vibration to a crashing halt. I reminded myself that this is why I shouldn't do things like this in the first place because not only can I not live with the guilt but now it is a double whammy because I'm so aware of my vibration and this is bringing it way down.
Anytime we do something that is not in alignment with our core values, we feel negative emotions which hinder us from receiving the real desires of our heart.
The antidote is simple: be honest, pay all debts, return what you've borrowed, speak kindly about others and keep your word. In other words, do nothing that will hinder the flow of pure positive energy toward you. Be true to your self an you'll open the way for receiving everything that will make you happy.
This same client had such an opportunity to 'make it right' on an energetic level. Again, she wrote:
I was feeling pretty bad when I returned to my office, and then remembered I needed to go to the bank. I went up to the bank machine and there was $40.00 sitting in the slot. Someone had forgotten to take it with them after they finished their transaction. They had also forgotten to take their bank slip. I took both out of the machine and put them in my pocket while I did my own banking.
Now I was dealing with the moral dilemma of what I should do with the found money. I so badly wanted to keep the money as I am heavily in debt with all my credit cards almost maxed out. I tried rationalizing: The bank slip doesn't have the account number on it so it's not like one can trace it but it did say that the person had a balance of $195.00 which isn't very much.
I remembered how I felt when I once left $20.00 in the bank machine myself and went back for it but it was gone.
I then decided to go into the bank and leave the $40.00 with a bank teller. While I was waiting in line, another lady came into the bank and told me I left my card in the bank machine so I went back to get it. Then she came back again saying now I'd left my bank slip in the machine. This is how frazzled I was!
Anyways, I gave the money to a bank teller with my business card and I am feeling much better.
I feel like the Universe gave me an opportunity not only to redeem myself but also an opportunity to change my vibration after something I've done in the past that I feel badly about.
Indeed! This client demonstrates the wonderful way the Law of Attraction works: Her dominant intention was to offer a high vibration so that she can attract more money and enjoy her life.
The Law of Attraction arranged an opportunity (the item from Radio Shack.) Her actions in the first opportunity caused her vibration to drop, which didn't feel good. So she RESET her intention to feel good,and the Law of Attraction sent her another opportunity to take actions that feel better.
An Example Of Allowing A Desire To Arrive On Its Own
I don't know why, but it seems we trip over the "allowing" part of the Deliberate Attraction formula more often than the other two parts. The Deliberate Attraction formula gives us a simple description of how to leverage the Law of Attraction so we can attract more of what we DO want and enjoy. The three steps are simply:
1) Become very clear about what you DO want.
2) Raise your internal vibration, through removing doubts and fears, so you are a vibrational match for your desire.
3) Allow your desire to come to you.
Much has been written already about the first two steps. You'll find lots of personal stories and succinct teaching in my articles at YouCanHaveItAll.com. But how do we "allow"--what do we need to do to actually receive what we so clearly desire, yet do not have?
Recently, I had a nice experience of what it feels like to "allow." I've been noticing that my office wastebasket is inadequately spilling over too often. It is just a little eight-inch sea-grass basket and it hardly holds two days worth of opened envelopes and crumpled paper. After months of mentally complaining about its lack of capacity, I finally asked myself, "So, what kind of wastebasket would I like?"
I began to imagine a sleek, black, matte finish wastebasket--about 15 inches high with a 12 inch diameter top, and tapered at the bottom. Yes, that would be adequate for a week's worth of trash from my office and it would look professional alongside my other black office accessories.
Next I collected data on possible wastebaskets. For about a week, every time I entered a building that might have my ideal wastebasket, I looked for it. I found step-on aluminum cans--no, I don't want to step on anything. I found black plastic trash bins with swivel lids--no, I don't want a swivel lid--I want an open receptacle so I can toss paper into it. I found black trash cans on wheels--too industrial looking. I found ceramic pots that were almost right--too heavy to empty out. I was noticing the price range went from $18.99 to $49.99.
Finally, I let it go. I told myself, "The right one will show up." And it did.
I was at the Hudson Bay Store, here in Victoria, BC, making a purchase when I decided to cash-in some of my "Reward Points" for a gift certificate. I had NEVER thought about cashing-in Reward Points before--it had never occurred to me to do so. I took the elevator to the fifth floor and while a delightful young lady at the Reward Counter prepared my gift certificate, my eye scanned across the isle. There I noticed A BLACK WASTEBASKET--just the size and shape I had pictured in my imagination. With gift card in hand, I swiftly crossed the isle and lifted the basket. "Ah, it is made of felt-board--very lightweight. Matte black finish with nail-head trim. About 14 inches high and 12 inches in diameter--tapered at the bottom. Very professional looking." I turned the basket upside-down to read the price: "$16.99." Very good! With my gift certificate in hand I proceeded to the checkout stand. When the clerk scanned the price, she gasped and asked me, "How much do you think this costs?"
"Well, the sticker says '$16.99'."
She was shaking her head in disbelief as she replied, "It's on sale for $5.00."
"Five dollars?" I asked, in complete surprise.
"Five dollars," she repeated.
"I'll pay cash and save my gift certificate!"
Can you imagine the joy I felt at that moment? Not only was the price right, but the manner in which my exact desire had come to me was absolutely delicious!
"Allowing" is simply the old adage: "Let go, and let God." It's "Detachment from the outcome." More like "Detachment from forcing something to happen."
Allowing is truly letting the Law of Attraction bring your desire into your sphere in its own time, place and manner. Allowing doesn't mean getting second best--it means allowing the Law of Attraction to bring your exact desire--in the BEST way possible.
Is there something you are not allowing through trying to make it happen or by wanting it a certain way or at a certain time? Let it go. Believe that the Law of Attraction WILL bring it to you in the perfect time and the perfect way. Believe it because that IS the law.
An Obvious Manifestation Secret
There is a well known and very much overlooked ‘secret’ that Master Manifestors use continuously. It is a very basic, simple component that sets in motion all that exists in the human world. We all know it is real and absolutely necessary. Yet the vast majority of people do their level best to avoid it.
Without this ‘secret’, all dreams, hopes, wishes and well intentioned goals will remain in a keepsake box stuffed under the bed. The box will be pulled out on rainy afternoons, and its carefully saved articles dusted off and cherished once more. Some time will be spent in pondering potential possibilities, and hopefulness will expire. Great wistfulness will settle over its guardian, and with a tired resolve, the goals, ambitions and really serious potential will be carefully put to rest once more.
The real definition of potential, to put it politely, is ‘worth nothing as it sits right now’. Goals, dreams, wishes, hopes and desire have only potential without the obvious secret that can only lead to manifestation. Not worth a darn right now. There is little so common in the world as latent potential. But add the magic ingredient, and your desires will become manifest before your eyes. Pour a viscous, electric blue liquid into your keepsake box, and it will empty itself into your real world.
This secret, magic ingredient is commonly known as ‘action’. Git’r done, get it on, go, just do it, start, ACTION. This is a billion dollar concept that gifted speakers devote entire seminars to.
All desires must begin their journey into manifestation somewhere. All things already exist, but you must accept them, or go get them. You must actively allow results to happen. Take action, and get what it is you want.
Consider a sated, comfortable diner sitting after dinner at a lavish restaurant buffet. All he wanted to eat waits in shiny serving dishes. He tremendously wishes for a piece of delicious pie, but has none. Magnificent fresh pie is only across the room. Does he really want the pie itself, or is the activity of wanting pie more fun? Which will be more satisfying, wanting the desire, or fulfilling the desire? What will it take to fulfill this dream? In the diner’s case, the monumental undertaking of getting up and taking the pie will satisfy a craving.
Lose the potential, and take the action. Start and the path to success will unfold in front of you as you walk upon it. The pathway will continue as long as you wish to travel, but you must take that first step. Desire all you want, but without actually doing something about it, the reality will never manifest itself in front of you, and remain a wistful keepsake stuffed under the bed in a box.
Take action, start, and your path will reveal itself to you. Action.
By Kelly Archibald
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