The Secret to Getting What You Want

The Secret to Getting What You Want

Althought many people are aware of the law of attraction after seeing the secret few people really get it. The law of attraction is both easy and hard all at once. Why do some people get it while others fail to see any results?

Some people have what some call think skin. They have an ability to go inside of themselves and ignore the outer creation. No matter what others are saying to them or no matter what is going on around them, they have the power to go inside and trust what is inside of themselves more.

Some may call them dreamers; others may say that they are introverts but that nature is the power it takes to apply the secret.

Be in the world but not of the world.

Reality is a reflection of your inner world, that is the true secret. To be able to manifest what you deeply want in life you must have total faith of your inner world. You must become aware of the images that fly by as you go about your day. The law of attraction never takes a break it is always giving to you what you are dreaming up.

As you become aware of your inner dream you can begin to control it and mold it to what you would like. The outside world should never influence your inner world. Because you do not have the full understanding of how the law of attraction works or the nature of your thoughts you continue to create again and again the old conditions.

Someone’s disappointment in life should never influence your actions. You create your reality the moment you become aware of your own ability to dream it into existence regardless of what anyone says is possible or impossible.

The secret law of attraction works but in order to use it successfully you must become aware of your own dream.

The Truth About Body Image

Have you ever considered how much your body image - your personal packaging, contributes to your business and personal success?

The multi million pound cosmetics industry is acutely aware of the value of packaging. You'll know this if you've ever bought anything from those glamorous ladies whose counters are always just inside the front door of Department Stores.

However, from time to time we're presented with surveys about the creams we rub on our bodies which take years off our age and make our skin as soft as a baby's bottie. The surveys tell us "Buy the cheap stuff or the own label one from the supermarket, 'cause they're all the same."

But do we? Of course we don't. Human beings are driven by emotions not logic and never more so when spending their money.

People buy with their eyes, we love packaging. The marketing and merchandising experts have it down to a fine art and know the colours and shapes that we're most likely to buy. They then design their packaging accordingly and make sure it grabs our attention.

The product in the packaging has to do what it says it'll do, however if it looks like it can do the business, then we're more likely to believe it can.

It's just the same with people. Whether we like it or not, people are likely to make judgements about us by our body image, the way we're packaged.

They'll then decide whether they like us,whether they'll give us a job or even just believe what we say.

This seems to be so obvious. Yet I've seen professional speakers with scuffed shoes, business leaders with outdated suits and politicians wearing clothes that don't fit them or suit their shape.

A few months ago I attended a function where an accountant was invited to speak about his business. He told the assembled audience how efficient his business was and about their attention to detail. However his tie was undone and his shirt looked like he was breaking it in for a smaller friend. His suit, though probably expensive, wasn't the right colour for him and merely drew attention to the fact that its wearer liked his food. All of the things he was saying were totally contradicted by his body image.

Lawyers, accountants, plumbers or software engineers; it doesn't matter what you do, other people are very liable to make a judgement about your abilities by how you're packaged.

Your colleagues and your boss will all make decisions about the quality of your work and your promotion prospects by your dress and body image.

There's the famous story about the 1960's pre-election television debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. These debates were also heard on radio, which was much more popular at the time. After the debates a poll was taken of how TV and radio audiences had reacted to the two participants. The radio audience voted for Nixon, however the TV audience voted overwhelmingly for Kennedy. The TV audience liked the look of Kennedy better than Nixon - they liked the packaging.

We also tend to make decisions very quickly about people we come into contact with. Psychologists have established that we subconsciously make around eleven decisions about other people within the first six seconds of meeting them.

Personnel managers have admitted in surveys to making a decision about a job applicant within the first thirty seconds of an interview, these decisions being made primarily on how the people looked and carried themselves.

How we look will confirm or contradict what we say. First impressions are also lasting impressions and take a lot of changing.

Okay, so we can't all have the perfect looks or the perfect body, what ever that is. It doesn't matter what shape you are but it does matter how you package that shape, if you want to make an impact on other people.

How you package yourself can also make a huge difference to your self-confidence. Have you ever noticed how confident and self-assured you feel when you dress in something you feel good in? Particularly when someone genuinely compliments you. How you dress can have a huge impact on how you carry yourself and project to other people.

The problem is that many of us don't have a clue as to what really suits us and compliments our shape. This is why so many business people are turning to an image consultant to improve their personal impact. This may seem like a costly luxury however consider the cost of restricting your career or possibly not winning a new account.

So what do you do? Well you could ask your nearest and dearest to be honest with you and tell you what they really think about what you wear. The thing is, you really need to listen and take heed of what they say.

Buy some of the fashion magazines and keep up to date on the latest fashion. It can also help to find a good clothes store where the sales assistants will give unbiased advice.

It's also important to look after the details. Do your spectacles suit your face? Are you in need of a more modern haircut? What does that cheap plastic watch say about you?

Men need to be careful about novelty ties and fancy socks with a business suit. Women need to take care with make-up, colours and perfume.

You may have a lot more to offer than a jar of anti wrinkle cream or a packet of cornflakes; however no one is going to pick you off the shelf if they don't like your packaging.


The Winner's Walk is a key strategy in the sport of life/business. When you meet somebody new, your perception of the person and what you feel about them is based 93% on body language. When you walk like a Winner, people will feel your presence and know you have something to offer. We all know people who are always filled with confidence and walk like they have just won a Gold Medal in the Olympics.

The exciting part about your walking like a Winner is that people will want to be around you -- to feed off your energy! As you progress in your day, take a moment and think to yourself, "Do I present myself as a winner?" If the answer is "no”, then I will share with you a few secrets on how to walk like a winner.

Walking like a winner requires that you always walk with your shoulders back, chest out and at a slightly faster pace than usual. This is the key - even when life hits you on the blind side, you need to still walk like a winner because your physiology will empower you to move through whatever is mentally frustrating you. When you walk into a meeting to market yourself or your product, people will feel your confidence and will want to hear what you have to say because they will feel your energy and enthusiasm. As you consciously practice the "Winner's Walk”, you will be walking like a WINNER in no time flat! ALL the time!

As you continue to master your body language, you will notice an increase in your personal production, because YOU WILL ACHIEVE WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE. You walk the walk...the Winner's Walk! I personally challenge you to walk like a Winner this entire week and see how things around you change! Walk like a Winner and you will be flying with the eagles!

Find your WHY and Fly!

Thought as a Vibration Toward Manifestation - Law of Attraction Classics:

THE Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law. We are familiar with some of its manifestations, but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are learning a little more every day - the veil is being gradually lifted.

We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN THE THOUGHT WORLD.

We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed - we recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mars our lives.

When we come to see that Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us. There is no study that will so well repay the student for his time and trouble as the study of the workings of this mighty law of the world of Thought - the Law of Attraction.

When we think we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism. That these vibrations are not evident to our five senses is no proof that they do not exist. A powerful magnet will send out vibrations and exert a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, but we can neither see, taste, smell, hear nor feel the mighty force.

These thought vibrations, likewise, cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, heard nor felt in the ordinary way; although it is true there are on record cases of persons peculiarly sensitive to psychic impressions who have perceived powerful thought-waves, and very many of us can testify that we have distinctly felt the thought vibrations of others, both whilst in the presence of the sender and at a distance. Telepathy and its kindred phenomena are not idle dreams.

Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of a far lower intensity than those of Thought, but the difference is solely in the rate of vibration. The annals of science throw an interesting light upon this question. Prof. Elisha Gray, an eminent scientist, says in his little book, "The Miracles of Nature":

"There is much food for speculation in the thought that there exist sound-waves that no human ear can hear, and color-waves of light that no eye can see. The long, dark, soundless space between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, and the infinity of range beyond 700,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light ceases, in the universe of motion, makes it possible to indulge in speculation."

M. M. Williams, in his work entitled "Short Chapters in Science," says:

"There is no gradation between the most rapid undulations or tremblings that produce our sensation of sound, and the slowest of those which give rise to our sensations of gentlest warmth.

There is a huge gap between them, wide enough to include another world of motion, all lying between our world of sound and our world of heat and light; and there is no good reason whatever for supposing that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity, or that such activity may not give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs for taking up and sensifying their movements."

I cite the above authorities merely to give you food for thought, not to attempt to demonstrate to you the fact that thought vibrations exist.

The last-named fact has been fully established to the satisfaction of numerous investigators of the subject, and a little reflection will show you that it coincides with your own experiences.

Thoughts Become Things

We are where we are, because of our thoughts in the past. Thoughts become things. We consciously or subconsciously always think about something. The problem is that we usually think more about things we don’t want, than about the things we want. It doesn’t matter if we want or don’t want something, we’ll get what we mostly think about.

Try to observe your thoughts for a day or two. Do you mostly think about the things that you worry about, you don’t want them to happen, you are afraid of, or do you mostly think about pleasant and wonderful things?

Your present situation is the result of your predominant state of mind in the past. And you are creating your future now. Your future will be like your predominant state of mind now.

The past is gone. You can’t change it, but if you are dwelling on unhappy past now, you aren’t feeling happy now, and you are creating unhappy future.

Because you’re creating the future now, only the present is important. By having predominantly happy and positive state of mind now, you’re creating your happy and positive future. It’s called the Law of Attraction. You can attract whatever you want in your life: happiness, wealth, perfect health, love and wonderful relationships.

But you can also attract things and situations that you don’t want. Actually we do it sub consciously all the time.

Because you are energy, you are like a magnet; everything is energy, you, your mind and your body. But you can control your body, and you can also control your mind.

Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you don’t control your mind and allow it to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings, it’s your worst enemy, because it creates your unhappy future. If you control your mind, it’s your best friend, because it becomes your best friend which will create your great future.

Of course lives of most of the people are a mixture of happiness and unhappiness because of their flickering states of mind. Now, because of knowing and understanding of the law of attraction you can start creating your happy future and be sure that you’ll get what you want in life.

The Law of Attraction is a broad subject and there’s no space in this short report to explain everything. Fortunately there is now more and more information available on the subject of attraction.

People like Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Einstein and many others knew the law of attraction and lived according to the law of attraction, but it was a secret for most of the people. Now a lot of people are learning about the secret, the law of attraction and the science of manifestation.

Three Steps to Attracting More Satisfying Relationships

As long as the Law of Attraction has only the 'DON'T want' script, it is restricted to orchestrating that script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

What do you really want in your relationships? Security? Affection? Loyalty? Companionship? Communication? What?

Do you wonder why you keep attracting certain types of people into your life?

Are you tired of feeling disappointed in 'love?

Have you ever been 'blind-sided' by someone you thought was a friend?

Do you feel desperate to find that special person you can live with forever?

Here are three steps that can help you in attracting more satisfying relationships:

Step 1: Make a thorough list of all the characteristics or scenarios of your past relationships that you DON'T WANT to experience again. You can use the T-toolTM for this exercise or just take a fresh sheet of paper and draw a large 'T' on it.

Label the left hand column: 'I Don't want' and the right-hand column, 'I Do Want'.

Ask your Inner Self to remind you of past events that you do NOT want repeated.

Write a few words about each event that express the essence of that event.

Step 2: Examine each item on the 'I DON'T want ..." side and ask yourself this question: "If I don't want this, what DO I want?"

One major reason why we keep attracting the same unsatisfactory relationships is because we fail to use the contrast contained in those negative events to get clear about what we DO want.

Step 3: Write a Script about how you DO want your relationships to be:

As long as the Law of Attraction has only the 'DON'T want' Script, it is restricted to orchestrating that Script over and over. We must give the Law of Attraction some NEW MATERIAL to work with.

Scripting accesses all four parts of the brain.

The left brain which deals with words and logic;
The right brain which understands patterns and symbols ;
The mid-brain which experiences emotions; and
The brain stem which registers physical stimulation .

When we write a Script, starting with a phrase such as: "If I had my way...", and use our imagination about that which feels good to us, we are accessing our right and mid-brain. A thought or feeling comes and we translate it into words (using the left brain) that symbolize the thought or feeling (right brain again). Writing the Script engages the body, which registers in the brain stem.

When all four parts of the brain are engaged, a powerful message is delivered to the Universe.

I like to end my Scripts with the phrase, "And do this in ways that are for my highest good and the highest good of everyone involved." This is a phrase that helps me let go of 'HOW" this will all happen, and allows the Law of Attraction to bring it about in the very best possible way.

Remember, the Law of Attraction brings us precisely what we vibrate. So if we want to experience relationships that are more satisfying, then we must change our dominant vibration to match the experiences we WANT to have.


"The attitude that we would have is: 'The universe is lining it up just right, and the timing will be just exactly right. And I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm doing everything just exactly right. And in the perfect timing, a timing that I cannot even quite see yet, this is going to happen. And meanwhile there isn't anything else for me to do.'

How is it that you all get so involved in things that have nothing to do with you? The Law of Attraction is a huge Law. So next time you find yourself thinking: 'Well, I should write one more affirmation, or I should do one more Virtual Reality. I need to do something. I must be doing something wrong, or what I'm wanting would be,' we say, what you need to do is chill out. What you need to do is relax and accept that you've done your work. You've asked; the Universe is doing its work; it is answering. Your work is to get into this place where you joyfully receive it.

You can't take score about when it's coming or where it's coming, or how it's coming. In other words, you accept, in this faith-based attitude, it is coming and all is well. And as you do that, ahh.

Then, when you really get there, then it doesn't matter how long it takes--but it doesn't take any time, then. If you could say, 'I don't care how long it takes,' you're there! And then it takes no time. But as long as it matters how long it takes, you're not there--and it's going to take a long time.

To Focus Or Not To Focus

Often I receive emails from people who have been learning about and applying the Law of Attraction yet they feel stuck. They are clear about what they want. They stay focused on their desire and yet, it seems to be so slow in coming or out of reach entirely.

Here's an example of one such email: "I have been trying to attract a good mate into my life and have really focused on it for the past three months. I have posted positive affirmations on my bathroom mirror with positive quotes like 'I am married now to a wonderful person' etc.... I also read every morning and mid-day and night a positive affirmation that I am attracting a great mate who harmonizes with me. I also bought an endless loop cassette tape and recorded that I have a good spouse and that I have attracted a good person to myself etc and I listen to it every night. I really believe that it will come to me, but ..."

Could it be that this person is focusing too much? Surely all these affirmations and positive statements should have produced the desired outcome by now! Yes, this person is probably focusing too much on their desire and actually causing resistance to allowing the Law of Attraction to deliver. Here are three things about how the Law of Attraction works to consider:

Once you have clarity about your desire and feel satisfied with the mental picture and good feelings you have, then the Law of Attraction reads you loud and clear and the process of delivery is set in motion.

If you do nothing more than get crystal clear, you will receive your desire in the easiest most efficient way.

The Law of Attraction doesn't really listen to your words, but DOES read how you actually feel about this desire. When you make affirmations that are not true, like: "I have a wonderful spouse"--when you don't, the Law of Attraction only receives your opposite vibration of "I don't have a spouse." The more affirmations you make, the more you are nullifying your desire with this opposing vibration.

So, what ARE you supposed to do with that desire you've been so clear about?

Hold it in your periphery vision, rather than your focal point.

Here's an exercise that will demonstrate how to do that:

Keep your focus on this article on the screen of your computer. Now, tell me, what do you see on your far right? Don't move your eyes, just notice what is there.

OK, now tell me, what is in the upper left field? What's in the lower left field? What is at the top of your field of vision? And the bottom?

You DO know what is there without focusing on the object directly.

Now, let's pretend that one of the items in your periphery is a lamp and you want to turn it on. You move your eyes, so that the lamp is the focus of your vision, BRIEFLY, while you turn it on--then return your focus to this screen.

This is the best way to hold your clear desires: once you have clearly stated or written your desire, hold it in the periphery of your vision. Get on with other things that you enjoy. You'll know when to shift your focus to your desire--maybe you've changed your mind about a detail--or you just enjoy imagining what it feels like to be living your desire.

I have a practice of writing out my desire statement using the 3-Phrases that raise my vibration, then I put it away in a file-folder. The file folder is in my left peripheral vision when I'm at my computer.. I usually seem to 'forget about it' until it is fulfilled. Then I go digging for that particular Desire Statement and find, to my absolute delight, that EVERYTHING I asked for has come true!

The bottom line is really this: If focusing on your desire feels good, delightful, playful and exciting, then by all means, enjoy giving it attention. But if you are forcing yourself to focus--you are actually causing resistance that can cause delay. If you've been noticing the length of time it is taking for your desire to come--you are slowing down the process.

"Allowing" means staying out the the way, while you allow the Law of Attraction to deliver your desire.

Two Hearts Are Now One

It is fitting that I should write this story on Valentines Day, for this is a story of two broken hearts; healed and mended, then melted together as one--in an instant. This is a story of True Love.

Anyone who comes from a broken family understands the pain of divorce. I was twenty-seven years old when my parents divorced, and while some people think that a person shouldn't be "affected" by such things once they are adults, I can assure you--I WAS! I was shocked when my parents divorced. I had no forewarning in the natural. But, on the day that my dad told my mom that he was moving out, I felt a great anxiety in my spirit--so great that I told my husband, "Something is terribly wrong in California. I want to phone home." Considering the fact that I was three thousand miles away, on a remote island in Northern Canada, when I felt this anxiety, you can appreciate that I was deeply affected.

Pain and confusion became constant companions as I tried to "understand" what had happened--what right did he have to leave my mother? Whose standard was he using to exercise his right to leave her? What had she done that was so terrible that he could not live with her? I had questions and I asked them of nearly everyone around me. I asked God the same questions, and in so doing, I realized that my own life was in quite a mess. As I came into a better alignment with God, I searched the Bible for "the answer" to all my questions about my dad. Since he had been a Baptist minister at one time, I felt certain that he would know and obey what the Bible said about such an important issue.

About two years after the divorce, the whole family gathered in California--for one of those BIG attempts to bring reconciliation--I felt certain that dad would listen to God's Word. I reached for my Bible and said, "Dad, look at what God has to say about what you are doing." Before I could find the carefully selected passage of scripture that would straighten this mess out, he stood up and loudly cursed me, the Bible and the whole family. Then he walked out. Needless to say we were all in shock. The shock of that cursing lasted a long time--eighteen years for myself, and twenty years for my brother and sister.

Eighteen years is a long time. Think about it. It generally takes eighteen years to graduate from high school. A whole "lifetime" of events takes place in eighteen years. During those years, contact with my dad was minimal. A card from him on my birthday, Christmas cards, the odd phone call which always stirred up the pain. Someone would hear about something that he was doing and he would again become the topic of our conversation for weeks. My mother never stopped talking about him. She never let him go.

My mom maintained her relationship with God throughout this long painful separation. She read her Bible, went to church, cared about us kids and loved her grandkids. She worked as a secretary and saved her money so she wouldn't be a burden on anyone when she retired. But, always, she was obsessed with talking about my dad.

I would say that most of our conversations about him were judgemental. After all, we read our Bibles; we knew that what he had done was wrong. She had done nothing that the Bible sanctioned as reason for divorce. By the time of his third marriage, we knew he wasn't coming back to her. Still, his actions and their effect on our lives were frequent topics of our conversations.

After many years, I gave up hope for my dad to ever be reconciled to his family. I doubted he was even a Christian. I felt he was a totally lost, immoral, unstable, unsavory person. That was a very dark time for me. Gradually, I got used to the darkness in my own soul--it seemed normal.

Mother did retire and she moved from California to Canada to be near my family. She had missed out on much of the growing up of my five children, and she wanted to get to know them. She bought a condominium two blocks from my house and the kids enjoyed having "Gran" live so close. One year after moving here, she was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease.

Lou Gehrig's disease was a death sentence. There was no cure. There was no treatment. I spent four months pryaing and asking God to heal my mother. Finally, the answer came: "Help her die." I accepted her diagnosis and did all I could to help her.

I wish I could tell you that I was a "good little Christian" who praised and thanked God every day for His righteous judgements--but, the truth is that I questioned God. I really felt that it was unfair of Him to let my dad go free, when he was the one who had done this great wrong to his family, and to allow my mother to die this cruel death. Finally, I asked God, "How do You see this situation?" The answer He spoke to my heart would one day transform all our lives.

About a year after my mother died, I felt something stirring inside of me--a desire to see my dad. In the long eighteen years of separation, I had only invited him once to visit my home and during that visit I had tried again--and unsuccessfully, again--to confront him with the Bible. I had no reason to expect that another visit would end differently, but I honored that desire anyway and invited him for a long weekend.

My dad came armed with his own arsenal of justifications. He knew what to expect from me. I hadn't planned anything specific to confront him on--I didn't need to, I had a whole list of offenses that I could whip out at any given moment. So, the weekend progressed--awkwardly, but quietly.

I had no idea that Spirit was about to move in on us in a powerful way. I simply invited two gentlemen friends over for lunch. They lead a prayer group I attended and I suppose I hoped they would "say something" important to my dad. If not, it was a way to let others meet my dad and see the man who had so wounded me. We were sitting around my dining room table, when one gentleman began telling the story of a young soldier in Napoleon's army who had gone A.W.O.L., been caught and was now about to face the firing squad. This young man's mother came to Napoleon and pleaded for mercy for her son. Napoleon replied, "He doesn't deserve mercy." To which the mother implored, "But, Sir, if he deserved it, it wouldn't be mercy!" At that, Napoleon allowed the boy to live. After telling this story, the gentleman said, "I have no idea why I told that story. It just came into my head."

As he had been speaking, I felt the strangest sensation of heat come over my head and into my chest. Without wavering, I said, "I know why you told that story." I turned toward my dad and gently said, "Dad, when mom was dying, I felt that God was being very unfair. So I asked Him what He had to say about the situation. Would you like to hear what God had to say about you and mom?" The room was very quiet. I could tell that my dad was afraid to know. But, after a few moments he indicated that he would.

I felt the heat increasing as I reached deep into my soul for those words, "He said, ‘I could not heal your mother, because she would not forgive. But I see the wounds upon your father's heart, and I have pity on him." In the moment I spoke those words, the power of Spirit hit both of us "like lightening." We stood up, pushed our chairs back from the table and fell into each others arms, sobbing. After quite a while of crying and kissing, we sat down again--even the two gentlemen present were crying--and I realized that I could not remember even one of those offenses on my "list." The whole list was erased from my memory--and five years later, it is still gone! (10 years later too.)

From that day on, my dad and I have had a relationship that is far beyond mere "reconciliation" or "recovery." We never had a relationship like this before--ever! This is a totally new relationship! We talk on the phone every weekend, we plan visits around special holidays, we go to conferences together. Where before my dad had been closed to the "things of the Spirit," due to the wounding caused by my own judgementalism and legalism, now he is hungry for more of the Spirit. Right away my dad began having powerful dreams which he KNEW were from God. He shares these dreams with me and we discuss their possible meanings.

Two years after this momentous day, my dad was reconciled to my brother and sister. My family traveled to California where we had a true "family reunion." It had been twenty years since the divorce.

Whenever my dad and I are together, we look for an opportunity to share our story. It is a story that brings hope to hopelessly broken relationships. It is a True Love story.

Unexpected Flowers

There is the expected, and there is the unexpected. When it's a special day for your significant other or close friend, he or she may be expecting something, and it is important to come through. But, most people agree that the best time to receive flowers and gifts is when they aren't expecting them at all.

A recent survey shows that for every 20 Americans who think Valentine's Day is the best time to receive flowers, 30 others think it's even more special when flowers are received with no special occasion in mind. It's the unexpected surprise and thoughtfulness behind the gift that means so much.

A gift on an Anniversary or Mother's Day may be rightfully expected, but receiving a gift that express love in the middle of a stressful week can turn a troubled time to a happy one. When you really love someone, it's often the little unexpected gestures that really show them how much you care. And, sending a surprise message of caring doesn't have to cost a bundle.

While 26% percent of Americans named jewelry as the gift most likely to make them smile, flowers ranked a close second at 23%, and there are a variety of fresh flower gift options at most local florists in the $10 to $20 range. Other great gifts include candies, cards, books, CDs, a special dinner out, or a romantic movie at home. Use your imagination.

Think flowers and gifts are just for women? Think again. Research shows that men are just as likely as women to appreciate flowers and gifts, especially when given for no special occasion. A colorful bouquet with a bold, masculine flair can brighten up any guy's office workday, and the gift's beauty and aroma will remind him of you every time he sees it.

We all like presents, and most people agree that an unexpected gift can turn a day around. So, remember what great gift-givers throughout the ages have always known -- it's that thoughtful gift and personal note for "no special reason" that really gets noticed. Whether it's a Monday, a bad hair day, laundry day, or any day of the week, you can always make it more special with flowers, a card, or some other personal token delivered. But whatever it is, the most important thing is that it is straight from the heart.


Universal Law Series - Law Of Attraction

Our thoughts, emotions and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circimstances into our lives. Whether these circimstances are positive or negative, is completely dependent on how we think!

This is the sixth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the sixth Law – the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon which we place our dominant thoughts. In other words, if we focus predominantly on abundance, solutions and positive outcomes then that is exactly what we will attract back into our lives. Nice!

There is a dangerous flip side to this law however - if we focus on lack, problems and negative outcomes, then that is exactly what we will attract.

You may have heard of Earl Nightingale. Known today as the father of modern day self-help, Earl, while working in the insurance business back in the mid 1950’s, cut a record called ‘The Strangest Secret’. The purpose of this record was to provide some training for his staff while he was traveling on business. Earl’s strangest secret was simply this:

“We become what we think about most of the time!”

This ‘secret’ aligns perfectly with the Law of Attraction and acts as a constant reminder that we must learn to control our thoughts. Truthfully, our own thoughts are the only things in life over which we have complete control. The challenge is to keep them in control and not let them run rampant with negativity.

For an example of the power of the Law of Attraction, you need look no further than your own life. Have you ever had one of those days, where everything seems to go wrong? From the cold shower to the burnt toast to the traffic ticket on the way to the office, to the grouchy boss, to the difficult customer, we have all experienced those days. It all starts with the way we think. Our thought patterns attract the first negative experience. This experience then puts us in a negative frame of mind which works to attract further “bad” situations. The more we focus on the “bad day” we are having, the worse things get!

The solution is to change our frame of reference. Take the negative emotions and change them to be either positive or at least neutral. Look for the lesson in every situation. Learning to laugh at ourselves is another great way to change our reference point. If we break the cycle of negativity, things will begin to turn around almost immediately.

What You Can Do

There are two things that you can start doing immediately that will help you to harness the awesome power of the Law of Attraction:

1. Ask yourself the question: “Do I focus on Lack or Abundance (or stated another way, ‘Am I problem-focused or solution-focused”)? If you answered, ‘Lack / Problems’ then set out to immediately change your frame of reference. Change your habits and thought patterns to be more positive and solution-focused.

2. Take full responsibility for whatever is happening in your life, be it good or bad. You have attracted the good as well as the bad, so taking responsibility will allow you to make the choice to change your thinking.

Positive thinking on it’s own will not solve all of your problems, however it is one of a series of things that we all have the power to implement which will get us on the path to leading the life we want.

Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Outstanding Results

If you have gone about your life feeling frustrated, angry and stuck you can transform this lower feelings and move into an outrageous state of joy and hopefulness and begin to attract greater circumstances.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. That simply means if you are feeling stuck and hopeless you will continue to attract more circumstances that bring about hopelessness.

One of the fastest ways to get the law of attraction to work for you is to take a period of time and do nothing more than find the things which bring you outrageous joy. Forget about wanting a new car or more money. Focus most on being joyful.

1) Make a list of all the things which make you completely happy. Then go out and do it. See if you can fill an entire week of your free time with activities that are fun and emotionally rewarding to you.

2) Get a journal – Every night before bed write out your feels about the way you spent your day. Make a point to express how you felt. Your feelings are extremely important because they inform the law of attraction as to your present vibration.

3) Each day search out activities that you may have wished to try but never got around to doing them. The more new and fun activities that you engage in the more expanded you will feel. You will naturally move into a higher more expanded state. New activities open up your inner being much more than activities that you have become too familiar with. When you are in a new environment you easily move into a more aware and open state.

By the end of the week you will be a change in your own personal energy. Now you can begin to think more about what you would like to manifest in your life. Be clear about your desire and allow the law of attraction to go to work to do wonders in brining about your desires.

To best apply the law of attraction you should be in a state of joy and openness. As you go through your daily activities you may not be aware of it but you do shut down. Everything becomes routine and you easily hold on to old thought patterns.

As you change your routine and open up you begin to see some amazing changes and your ability to master the law of attraction techniques will be greatly enhanced.

What Good Is A Rocket That Fizzles?

Muriel used to feel passionately about starting a business, but somewhere between grading tests and completing report cards she lost her enthusiasm.

For as long as she could remember Muriel, my coaching client, had secretly nurtured a dream to own her own business. But like many women in her age group, she had chosen a safer, more socially acceptable, occupation. She was a teacher. Now that she was close to retirement, she was beginning to realize that it might soon be possible to fulfill that hidden dream and start a new career. This time she would do something that would allow her to utilize many of her gifts and talents. She would own a business. With this rediscovered dream came strong feelings of desire and hope-powerful emotions called 'rockets of desire.'

Like Muriel, many of us are afraid that if we don't maintain that emotional high we won't get our heart's desire. What we fail to realize is that the initial 'rocket of desire' is only a rocket. It takes off fast and rises quickly with a flaming burst of delight. Then it descends back to earth leaving us with the memory of its brief journey and fueling our desire to ascend again.

It is this memory that motivates and sustains us to find a way to actualize the 'rocket of desire.' Once we have tasted the thrill of owning a business, a new automobile, a new home or vacation, once we have felt the rush of excitement and delight in our imagination, then we begin to move toward that desire.

The secret of getting your heart's desire is to keep your attention on what you want-on that idea or goal which caused the 'rocket of desire.' What happens to many of us is that after the rocket has returned to earth, we begin to observe reality; the way things are now. We focus on reasons why we don't have and probably can't have that desired outcome and effectively put the brakes on our 'rocket of desire'. Unless we can look beyond what is present today and picture ourselves as we want to be, we may never attain the level of belief necessary to receive the 'rocket of desire' as our new reality.

Muriel had come to our coaching session focused on her lack of passion. She was so worried about her waning emotions that she was not paying attention to what had shown up for her that week--a potential business partner. However, once Muriel saw this little graph and understood where she was in the process she was able to recognize the significance of meeting her potential business partner and to continue the work necessary to realize her dream.

Just like Muriel, we can get the most from our 'rocket of desire' by recognizing it for what it is--the exhilarating emotion necessary for creating a memory that sustains our hope until the 'rocket of desire' becomes our reality.

What is the Universal Law of Attraction?

The Universal Law of Attraction states:
We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to--whether wanted or unwanted.

Most of the time, we attract by 'default' rather than by deliberate choice. We just sort of go through our day, focusing on problems that need to be solved or on things that did not feel good nor seem right. In so doing, we are actually creating more problems, more of what does not feel good and more of what does not seem right.

Think of yourself as a huge magnet. The kind that pulls metal to itself from afar off. It doesn't "try" to attract, it simply does attract. It is the same way for us. Whether or not we are trying to attract, we ARE doing so all the time. (Except when we are asleep.) And we attract the likeness of what we think about. If we are thinking about a lack of something, we are attracting more lack (scarcity). If we are thinking about something we love, we are attracting more of what we love and enjoy. I know it sounds incredibly simple, and it is.

We humans are actually very powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful, god-given power to attract more of what we want in life-simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

An old proverb just came to my mind: "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 It's interesting that the writer of this proverb says "thinks in his heart" because most of the time, we think that we think with our mind. However, it is truly from the heart where we do our thinking, our believing, our ' vibrating.'

It is from the heart that we attract. Picture your heart as a powerful magnet. The heart is the ' vibrator' of all signals that attract.

Think of a radio. It has many different stations. To tune into a station you dial a specific frequency. As soon as we turn our attention to something (dialed it's frequency) it begins its journey to us.

To be rid of something you do not want in your life, simply tune in to a different vibration (frequency or radio station)--to something that you do want.

I see the art of Deliberate Attraction as consisting of three parts:

1. Getting very clear about what it is I am wanting
2. Raising my vibration until it matches what I want
3. Allowing what I want to come to me

We have the opportunity to gain clarity in knowing precisely what we want, through the many 'contrasts' that life offers us. The key to successfully using contrast is to observe it briefly and use it to help you decided what you do want. This takes a little practice, since our habit is to talk about, tell others about and focus on what we did not like.

It is usually part three that trips me up. I have held onto some self-limiting beliefs for a very long time-so long that I no longer recognize them, yet they are still vibrating below the surface, canceling out what I am wanting.

My work is to let go of all resistance and believe that what I am wanting will come to me--simply because I want it.


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