Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

Law of Attraction – How to Make it Very Easy

Every thing is easy after you learn the ins and outs of how it works. There are those who think the law of attraction has no validity and there are those who believe that the law of attraction rocks. Guess what!? Both people are correct, because whatever one believes determines what that one will experience in his reality.

Despite the nay sayers there are secrets to the application of the law of attraction that can yield incredible results. The results are so astonishing that it seems like magic and sorcery but it is none of those, yet all of those. What is magic really? If not the ability to do the impossible or what is thought of as impossible.

Open to Greater Possibilities and Realize Those in Your Reality

Well there are secrets that can make the power to manifest completely outstanding. Imagine that you lived in a small town and you desired to go to the big city which is several miles way. Tom your neighbor comes along and tells you to use his old bicycle. You know that you can always walk which will take you several hours but the bicycle is a plus you happily accept.

After two miles you meet a stranger who tells you that he can surely take you along the route in his car which will get you there even faster. Do you ditch the bike and take the car? The secrets to manifesting are similar to this scenario. It gets deeper and deeper and each lesson brings you more spiritual power.

Those who yearn to understand the deeper nature of applying the laws of attraction discover that while the car ride was great there is the airplane. The journey gets faster and easier for those who dive deeper into the study of the laws of attraction.

Immersion is the key to Mastery

For every single topic including the law of attraction, there are those who truly master the topic by studying it quite deeply. You could not master money matters by making a study of poverty, or origami would you? To fully gain ease in manifesting with the laws of attraction you must make it a diligent study. You may take two to three months of studying all that you can but that study is like a masters degree which will serve you for the rest of your life.

Uncover the Layers

In all things there are layers. On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories. Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail. The law of attraction is no different. Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire. There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly. We truly live in a magical world. How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?

Law of Attraction – How to Make Your Own Luck

Do you ever wonder what makes one man more successful at one thing while another fails miserably at the very same thing? Often if you interview people who are successful at attracting wealth they all have one thing in common. They all feel lucky.

What is it to feel lucky really? It all comes back to the law of attraction and that inner feeling that a person has. The feeling of luck is like blind faith. It’s an inner tone that makes you feel that anything is possible.

When a person feels lucky they are resonating similarly to that state of joy, hope and excitement. All those feelings are high vibration. The higher your vibration the faster
your ability to manifest what you want.

You can put the law of attraction to work much faster by allowing yourself to simply feel lucky. Put aside your concerns for how something will come about. Most wealthy people will tell you that they had no idea how their plans were going to come about but they keep that good feeling of luck and hope inside.

I had a great conversation recently with a man who teaches Ti-chi, jokingly he said, don’t you feel lucky after having sex?” He went on to explain that that feeling of greater possibility comes to use when we engage in moments of surrendering to joy.

The more you allow yourself to open up to blissful feelings the luckier you actually become. It’s not the other way around. Most people feel that they are lucky after something happens.

Feeling lucky first allows the law of attraction to work with you at that higher expanded vibration allowing your desires to manifest with greater ease.

Sometimes someone wins the lottery and when that person is interviewed they often say, “I just felt so lucky today and so I plaid and now I have won.” Prior to wining maybe that person had nothing at all but the feeling of being expanded, hopeful and lucky.

Law of Attraction – How to Manifest Money From Nothing

There is a science to manifesting money. When you understand that core of money at its finer subatomic level you will realize that you are never poor. It does not always take money to make money.

Like everything in life there is a foundation and greater levels which go beyond there. There are many people who when first understanding the law of attraction think that all that is ever needed is to wish for it and the money will come.

Then there are others who hope for more money, think they understand how the law of attraction works and continue to work hard while scattering their energy. They lack focus and lack of focus means lack of power.

Your knowledge of the law of attraction is the base, yet there are many levels which enhance your application of the law of attraction. Once you take the time to understand and study those levels you can apply them to anything. You can truly start from nothing.

The first step is to begin to see money opportunities all around you. The more aware you become of how money exchanges hands and how it flows the more confident and skilled you will become in weaving it towards you.

It does not take a particular education; it does not take large amounts of your own money to get the law of attraction to begin blessing you with money. Challenge yourself to learn the universal laws then begin to apply your knowledge of money to those universal laws. How many ways can you make money that does not require you to spend one penny?

You can begin to weave lots of money as you understand the subatomic nature of money and how it interacts with your present reality.

Law of Attraction – How to Use Affirmations

To affirm means to declare what is already present. It is the same with creating and using affirmations to attract or to transform the things which we desire.

When you create an affirmation you are declaring to yourself and the universe that the desire is already created. As you continue to repeat these affirmations you are also holding your thoughts clearing with intense focus on the creation that you have made.

Affirmations serve many purposes when trying to manifest the things you want. Applying the law of attraction can be hard when you try diligently to maintain positive uplifting thoughts. It’s almost impossible to monitor your thoughts twenty four hours a day but when you create clear affirmations with details they become a great tool in controlling your thoughts and in turn influencing the law of attraction in your favor.

Here are three ways to use affirmations with your law of attraction practice to get great results.

1. The first step to using the affirmations is to become very clear about what you want. In order to become clear you would need to write out all the details that you would like to see and experience in the thing that you want. The clearer you are about your intentions the more power you give to your affirmations.

2. Write a clear positive affirmation in the first person stating your desire as if it is already complete. Never make statements such as, “ I wish I could be… or someday I can have or I don’t want to do…”

These three statements are the most ineffective statements when creating your affirmations. The affirmation must be created with power and faith in order to fully shift the law of attraction in your favor. You must absolutely omit any words that tie you to the thing which you do not want. If you want to stop thinking in a negative way, it is best to state, “ I now think and feel in the most positive way. I thoughts are happy and positive every moment of the day.”

3. Move into the affirmation with feeling. Feeling adds the power to your desires. Feelings generate an internal energy that allows your whole being to absorb your statement.

Many people find it a bit hard to really create success with their affirmations and that is as a result of stuck emotional energetic patterns that are difficult to change. There are many incredible techniques that can shift those affirmations quite deeply that they make the attraction process even easier and more effective without the mindless repetition.
How deeply are you willing to go to see the changes that you know are possible to have?

Law of Attraction – Increase Your Mind Power over Money

In order to fully master the law of attraction one must become aware of how the mind works in relation to our physical reality. The mind is the power station for all our experiences.

The mind can be compared to the hard drive of a computer. It stores all the impressions that you experience throughout your life time. Whatever you may have witness while growing up with your parents, the stories that others have shared with you, all these are impressions that are held in the mind. Whether those impressions are good or seemingly bad they remain in the mind of the individual and influences that person’s experience of life.

How you experience money is directly influenced by the information you have been fed about money and became stored in your mind. One of the hardest applications of the law of attraction is in trying to attract more money. Most people can attest to having a very hard time in attracting the amount they desire. However, if you understand how the mind works you can then learn to over ride whatever impressions that are blocking you from attracting what you desire.

Self Inquiry

To truly gain results with the law of attraction you must learn to examine yourself. See yourself and your thoughts as a massive amusement park, be excited to explore yourself. The more you investigate the reason behind your feelings and the actions that you take the more self control you will begin to develop. Before you can take the steps to change any part of yourself you need to first be aware of your actions and the reason behind your actions. No one else can do that for you!

Get a journal and begin questioning yourself:

What are your thoughts about money?
What feelings come into your body when you think of my present financial situations?
How do you feel about your financial future?
What was your first impression you had of money?

How to Apply Mental Training

One of the biggest failures in applying the law of attraction is the inability to train the mind on a consistent basis. An untrained mind has very little magnetic power to attract. Even just a few minutes a day will build up magnetic mental power that takes much less effort to attract than a mind that has not been trained.

See mental training like the training of your physical body. The more you train your body the better it performs and the more power it has.

Inner and Outer Training

In order to attract more money, more freedom it’s necessary to train the mind to also see it in your present environment. It’s very easy for most people to make a study of poverty and to complain about their own financial woes but very rarely do people draw the impression of wealth into their mind. If you just sit for a few moments and observe the lifestyles of those who are successful at attracting wealth you will slowly find your old impressions beginning to change. The mind will receive those impressions and slowly begin to replace the old worn out impression you have of money that do not work.

Law of Attraction – The Secret to Manifesting Faster

Lets face it the enter idea of manifesting and using the law of attraction is to actually speed up what we want so that it all comes faster. Hard work and frustration requires lots of energy that few of us have.

So what is the secret to using the law of attraction to manifest faster results? Well there are many secrets actually. The first secret is to have a deep understanding of the law of attraction and how it can help you to manifest results that create a great impact.

Its amazing how many people discover the law of attraction through the secret movie, tried it for a few weeks then gave up. Sadly their lives are the same frustrating unhappy creation as it always was. They continue to feel trapped, poor and stuck.

With increased understanding of the intimate nature of the law of attraction your ability grows stronger and more powerful. The learning process never stops. I have seen people who first tried to apply the law of attraction and failed a few times because somehow they were not getting some small element. They continued to study and to examine even deeper. Then suddenly it clicked and they got it.

There are people whose understanding of the law of attraction has dramatically transformed their lives rapidly. Then there are those who continue to flounder like trapped fish swimming against the same parameters of their self imposed fish tank.

The secret to applying the law of attraction is to dive deeply into the subject, don’t stop and one tiny bit of understanding.

You see you have believed in limitation and lack for so many years that it will take lots of reminders to shift your awareness. Do you know that after you read a good book on the law of attraction that your manifesting ability goes up higher? Unfortunately after a while you go back to your old way of being all over again.

The secret then is to never stop your learning of the law of attraction until you master it. Be like the athletes who train consistently to become super stars in their sport.

You can transform your life. You can become a master of it and use the law of attraction to manifest faster and greater results beyond your present condition.

Law of Attraction – When it Does Not Work

Are you applying the law of attraction correctly? If you are like most people you are mostly likely quite frustrated. You want to manifest changes faster. You want to manifest money faster. You want to manifest new friends but for all your hard efforts something seems to me missing.

You may be think, “If I can have do or be anything I want, then why can’t I see the results?” This is a common frustration with most people who are new to the law of attraction.

The pain of failing again and again at applying the law of attraction can cause anyone to give up. Many years ago when I learned of the law of attraction I went through the very same frustration until I learned what is at the heart of the secret to manifesting greater results.

The secret to manifesting anything you want using the law of attraction is the energy behind your intention and your thoughts. Energy is abundant in the universe. You are constantly being influenced by various qualities of energy all the time.

There is a particular quality of energy of your thoughts. There is also a particular quality of energy in your environment. Every degree of energy affects your ability to manifest differently.

Although most people who learn of the law of attraction think exclusively of their thoughts, they are unaware of the tenor of energy within their though forms.

The more sensitive you become to the tenor of energy within you, as well as your environment the easier it become to align yourself with the energy of what you want to manifest in your life.

If the energy within you is out of alignment with where you want to be then you simply cannot manifest what you truly desire.

The law of attraction is an art that must be understood at its very core. Learn to become still and ask yourself, “How am I feeling at this moment?” Although you may be thinking of what you want you may be feeling very much out of alignment with what you truly desire to manifest.

As you become aware of the tone of your personal energy you can slowly learn to increase your energy to become a magnet for what you when. When you do the law of attraction becomes an incredible tool to manifest what you truly desire.

Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction: How to gain more abilities and change your life

There are many levels above where we operate. The ancient Hawaiian tradition (among several) give us all sorts of abilities to achieve. And this is mirrored more modernly by the studies Silva did from the 50's up through his death and continued by his students.

Now this is all based on principles such as the Law of Attraction and Huna's four levels of reality. As you study the Law of Attraction and those who wrote about it, such as Atkinson, Hill, and others, you can see that all sorts of before unseen and unknown abilities can be discovered and attracted into your life, such as:

1. Remote viewing. You can know what happens at distant locations from where you "are". Most of us think we are only stuck to this meat body we've been nurturing along all these years. But one of the key principles of Huna is that "There are no limits." We are all connected. This is a holistic view of interpreting this world and our immediate (and longer-range) environment.

There are many AmerIndian traditions of shamans being able to know things happening a long way from where they were. Modern CIA experimentation was able to utilize people who had honed this talent to work on finding lost agents or peer into other nations' defenses.

2. Shape-shifting. Traditions hold that shamans were able to assume the shape of any animal (or plant) to gain information.

However, this is a more common ability than generally thought. Ever sat in your car and something "didn't feel right"? And then you found something was out of order, or someone had changed something in or about that car. Generally, this is because you tend to extend yourself into your car (or whatever you drive) in order to operate it.

Similarly, you can "know" something is different about your pet. It takes familarity. Old farmers (from long lines of farmers) who had raised years and years of crops could "intuitively" know what was needed by a certain crop that year - and whether they could do anything right now, or what to do if they didn't get that rain, etc.

Familiarity and intuition are linked - but certain people with "tele-sensory" talents might be able to get data others were missing. Dowsers fall into this category.

3. Lucid dreaming. The fact, as posited by Serge King and observed by many, is that we dream constantly. Just put your mind in idle and you start to see this - it's called day dreaming by some. When we "sleep" at night, we are really surrendering to this dreaming completely. Some think they don't dream, but if you lay still on waking and try to remember what you were just thinking about, you'll find some interesting dreams you'd been having.

In lucid dreaming, you can exert some control over what you are dreaming - in that dream world you inhabit for that little while.

Some explanation for dreaming is found in Huna as one of the four levels of reality is symbolic. Things can stand for other things. So when you change something in a dream, it will affect it's opposite thing in the "real world" we live in.

This one has texts written about it and it worth exploring by everyone.

4. Trusted communication. Silva got this down to a fine art. Atkinson also talked about this in his books, as well as Bristol. As we are all connected, we can influence others around us - within the limits of treating them as we would like to be treated. The Golden Rule is inexorable - you can't fudge on this one.

But you can work at communicating to people so that they recieve your thoughts accurately and know what you intend and what you would like them to do for you. This works great in sales, by report. But only if you are offering an ethical product which will factually improve their lives. (Disaster looms for people who are selling fake snake-oil. History proves this over and over.)

- - - -

There are many more advanced abilities people can discover. If you check out Silva UltraMind, you can see a great deal of these being developed for practical use. But study the classics and older religious texts and legends - you'll see how these advanced abilities were not unknown in and around us, on every continent.

You may also see how various sects abused these abilities, and other sects discriminated against anyone trying to learn these. (Like how modern "science" discriminates against religion in general.)

But you can also see that "no one school has all the teachers" as Huna goes.

Have fun with this. Feel good.

Law of Attraction and Dreams, Premonitions or Predictions

Recently, I received an interesting email in which a woman told me that when she was 10 years old, she was shown in a dream how one day she would have a son and he would die at a certain age in a specific fashion. She also reported that this did, in fact, occur. Her question to me was, "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?"

What's happening when we have dreams, premonitions or receive a prediction that something (usually unwanted) is going to take place in the future? Or when it does happen we remember having received foreknowledge?

Here are three things you might consider:

1. Time only exists here on earth for us humans. Quantum physics teaches that although everything; every event, every experience, every possibility exists at the same time--in the NOW--man has invented time: the past, the present and the future, to bring some sort of order into these experiences. Religions call this Eternity--the place where time has no beginning and no end.

2. The Law of Attraction teaches us that everything vibrates and every vibration affects all other vibrations. I like the way Abraham-Hicks put it: "Everything vibrates and is communicating, reacting, responding and integrating with other vibrating things." ~Well Being Cards

3. Our subconscious mind is directly connected to the Super Conscious Mind (Source, Higher Power, Inner Being and Holy Spirit) and we are all learning how to translate this information for "human consumption." Remember, the translator is a person with their own agenda, fears and ideas about the meaning of this information.

I have been experiencing dreams, visions and prophetic words since 1987--actually, I had many experience of this nature as a young child, followed by years of rare occurrences. What I've found is that ANY piece of information can be interpreted through a filter of fear or love. When it is filtered through fear, it usually brings an ominous feeling to the prediction. When it is filtered through love, the message uplifts, encourages and strengthens people. And the choice is in the hands of the interpreter. I have decided to interpret dreams, visions and prophecies in the most positive life-giving way! Any thing less does not feel good to me.

So, my answer to the question: "How can I believe the Law of Attraction is working when some things seem beyond our control?" is this--

All things are connected at Source. Believe the best interpretation you can give to your dreams, premonitions, and all such occurrences. And if the prediction should come true--or you receive an outcome which is different or less than you would have chosen--KNOW THIS: you are indeed blessed to have been PREPARED for this event.

When I was pregnant with my fourth child, Sarah, I had a premonition that something was not right with the child I was carrying. I even told one of my girlfriends, "You know how people say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as it's ok?' Well, I can't say that about this baby. I CAN say, 'I don't care if it's a boy or girl and it's ok if it is not ok.' All will be well." And of course, when Sarah was born it was still surprising that she was born with Down's Syndrome. And yet, I felt so SPECIAL, because I HAD been prepared.

I truly believe in the prevalence of Goodness. I believe the knowledge of an event before it occurs is a gift. Something in us attracted this knowledge so that we could consciously prepare for it. Does that mean we have no choice or say in such matters? Sometimes the vibration of another person becomes a part of our life and deep down inside of us, we DO have a corresponding harmonious vibration. Sarah chose to be born different genetically. Her true self wants to experience life here on earth different from most people. I have a vibration in me that loves her and wants to encourage and support her along her journey.

We are a perfect match. And all really is well.

Law of Attraction Classics: Dynamic Thought - "Right Channel" Thought - HT Hamblin

If thought is the "greatest power of all powers," "the most vital, subtle and irresistible force in the universe," and if your thoughts have the power to attract other thoughts of a like character, then the choice of your thoughts is the 'nose important act of your life.

By choosing your thoughts you choose either success or failure, happiness or misery, health or disease, hope or despair.

Says one of deep insight into the nature of things: "The things that we see, are but a very small fraction of the things that are. The real, vital forces at work in our own lives, and in the world about us, are not seen by the ordinary physical eye. Yet they are the causes of which all things we see are merely the effects. Thoughts are forces; like builds like, and like attract like. For one to govern his thinking then is to determine his life."

Therefore do not believe anyone who wants to teach you how to "overcome" other people, and to dominate them either by "will-power" or by Hypnotism. If you seek to get the better of other people and to influence them by mine domination, you are charging full tilt against the Law of the Universe, and this can only lead to the most disastrous results.

The "hypnotic gaze" and "suggestion" can never bring you success; it may bring a temporary, fleeting advantage, but this will be followed by disaster either in your business or profession, your body, your life, or your home.

By the right use of your thought-forces you can make yourself a magnet and attract to yourself all that you deserve. We each get what he or she deserves. As we improve the quality of our thoughts, so do we become deserving of better results; as we become deserving of better results, so do better things flow to us by the operation of Universal Law.

By the use of carefully graded denials and affirmations, we break the power of evil thought-habit, and in its place create a new mental attitude, hopeful, strong, cheerful, successful, confident, an attitude of mind that knows not failure, can never be discouraged; that stands firm and unafraid amid the changing scenes of life; an attitude of mind that overcomes, conquers and achieves. An attitude of mind that lives in a sea of positive, helpful, stimulating thoughts, that are the products of the best minds of all ages.

Thus it all comes down to this. It is by the use of denials and affirmations, and by persevering in their use, that the life can be changed, circumstances altered, and ambitious realized.

By denials and affirmations we can direct our thought-stream into the right channel; by denials and affirmations we can impress upon our sub-conscious mind thoughts which, becoming translated into actions, lead to success and all accomplishment. By denials and affirmations we can break down the force of evil habit, and in its place install habits that ennoble and enrich our lives. By denials and affirmations we can build up our characters, changing what was weak and vacillating into that which is powerful and stable. By denials and affirmations we can concentrate our consciousness upon thoughts of Power, Success and Courage and these, in turn, will attract to us multitudes of other thoughts of a similar nature. Do you realize, dear Reader, the extent of the wonderful power that you hold in your hands?


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