Yes, I have decided to admit it… I’m not perfect and have a picking problem. As so many of us pickers living in self denial are a part of life. There I was lying to myself and others on my acute break- outs, flaky patches and scabbed over areas. Continual stories of being super dehydrated and under moisturized… but deep down I knew the truth; it’s all my picking.
My magnifying mirror no longer was my magical looking glass; it became a total obsession and a best friend to my nails. Once upon a time my skin was clean, clear and virtually flawless; until my pore obsession. That daily routine of inspecting each pore for the tiniest spec of congestion. I made it clear that any blackhead, whitehead and zit were the enemy.
I’m at a loss for words on why picking is so addicting… Could it be while peering into a magnifying mirror insuring each pore is spotless, perfectly clean and empty takes over and all rational thinking disappears? Or is picking one of those problems people face like alcoholism? Hey, everyone has an ism…right? Shopism, eatism etc., etc. and my ism became pickanism! I wish there was a rehab for pickers!

I’m excited to inform everyone of an herbal peel that will improve my scars! GREEN PEEL Before and after pictures will be posted to share with everyone!
Who said skin care professionals are perfect?? News flash- no one is…
Well, I have got rid of my dirty secret,
Have you???
Recovering Pickaholic
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