Dressing Tips For 50-Somethings You Must Know
As the Baby Boomers in this country come of age, it certainly seems that 50 is the new 30! The typical thoughts and images of 50 year olds are certainly banished when these active individuals strive to live a fulfilling and exciting life. Most individuals who are apart of the Baby Boomer generation are reaching the age of retirement, and they have alternative goals and methods for their lifestyle. Additionally, most women in their 50s have keen fashion sense and style, always dressing their best in a variety of situations. If you find yourself in your 50s and unsure what items to wear for any function, look no further! These simple tips will allow you to dress for success for any situation.
1.) Tips on selecting clothes that show your personal flair
When it comes to finding items that should be in your wardrobe, look to find pieces that express your individual interest and personality. Consider shopping at unique shops or boutiques to find those one of a kind items that will certainly win you a great many compliments. Whether you choose to invest in a great jacket, sweater, dress, sweater, skirt, or anything else, you should work to adapt this unique item into a variety of outfits.
2.) Tips on finding items that best fit your body and your age
Even though you may feel like a teenager does not necessarily dress like one! If you find you are swapping clothes with your kids or grandkids, then perhaps you should rethink you choice in clothing. Conversely, you are certainly not ready for “old lady” staples, so strive to find clothing that best fits your age and this point in your life. Furthermore, choose items of clothing that best fits your size and shape of your body. As we age, attention may need to be shifted from different parts of our bodies and onto more flattering parts, so strive to find items that spotlight your body in the best life possible.
3.) Accessorize! Acessorize! Acessorize!
Everyone needs a fun and funky accessory that makes a ho-hum outfit completely unforgettable! Regardless if you are looking for a piece of jewelry, super bag, great pair or shoes, or fashionable scarf, an accessory can make or break an outfit. Furthermore, you will be able to get more wear out of your wardrobe if you have a variety of accessories to keep your staple items looking different and unique.
Barbie Dolls – Where Did They Come From?
Dear Santa, Please can I have a Barbie doll for Christmas?
Barbie dolls have probably been on Christmas wish lists for several generations of girls. In fact Barbie has become a household name for many years. Who created the first concept of the Barbie doll?
The story started with the birth of Ruth Mosko in Denver Colarado in 1916. Ruth married Elliot Handler in 1938. Elliot Handler and his business partner Harold ‘Matt” Matson formed the company Mattel. The name was created by a combination of their names ‘Matt-Ell”. Mattel originally manufactured picture frames, but after making dolls furniture from scraps decided to focus on toy manufacturing for which Mattel is now famous.
Ruth Handler noticed that her young daughter Barbara was more interested in playing with adult dolls, than the baby dolls that were available at that time. While traveling in Europe she saw a German doll called ‘Lilli’ which she bought for her daughter. The original ‘Lilli’ doll was not a children’s toy, but a joke style gift for men.
Mattel bought the marketing rights for ‘Lilli’. They changed the doll’s name to Barbie, named after Ruth’s daughter Barbara. Barbie was first released for sale in the United States in 1959 and became a hot seller. Barbie’s boyfriend ‘Ken’ was introduced in 1960. Ken was named after Ruth’s son Kenneth.
The Barbie doll was first displayed at the New York International American Toy Fair on March 9, 1959. This date became Barbie’s official birthday .There is now a fictional biography of the life of ‘Barbie’ with additional family and friends created and sold as separate dolls.
9 Tips to Selecting the Perfect Gift
you struggle to find great gift ideas? Are you stuck without a gift at the last minute? I understand your frustration and am here to help! I've put together 9 tips to help you select the perfect gift. So grab a cup of coffee, relax, and start shopping!
1. Relax: Stress only make matters worse. Stop and take a deep breath before starting. It will help you refocus and reenergize! You can have fun researching and selecting a gift.
2. Think about the recipient: Ask yourself what makes this person happy. What are their hobbies and interests? Have they mentioned something they needed or wanted? A gift is a special treat to the receiver, so take the time to think about the person.
3. Seek outside help: Don’t be afraid to talk to the people who know the recipient best. They’re likely to have great suggestions. Great ideas come from everywhere. They would probably enjoy brainstorming with you for that perfect gift.
4. Ask why: The gift you choose should match the occasion. You don’t give a food processor on Valentines Day. Find something personal that says you are thinking of them.
5. Set your budget: It’s important to know ahead of time how much you want to spend. As you search for your gift, you can select gifts within your price range. Websites provide gift ideas within price ranges to make it easier to stay within your budget.
6. Go surfing: Shop on your time while relaxing at home. The Web offers a wide range of choices and gift ideas to match the person’s interests. Find a gift idea service to make it even easier.
7. Dress it up: If you decide to purchase a gift certificate, gift baskets, subscription or money, add a special note, or wrap it in an unusual way. Have fun dressing up your gift.
8. Get personal: If you have time, a personalized gift tells the person that you thought ahead of time to find a gift just for them. Personalized gifts are always fun to receive.
9. Stick with the staples: If you don’t know the person well or are going to someone’s home for the first time, traditional gifts of wine, food, candles, flowers, coffees or teas are foolproof.
I hope these 9 tips will help make your next gift a perfect 10! Feel free to share this with others, so they can also benefit.
8 Ways to Create a Happy Family
You might disagree and say, “Lori Prokop what are you writing now?” But hear me out on this.
I believe finding happiness and success are more than just money.
If you are not finding happiness in your family, this is to remind you that you have the power to improve your life within your family.
Here are Lori Prokop’s 8 ways to create (or re-create) a happy family:
1) Start with yourself. Finding happiness starts by deciding that you will create the loving spirit that can create a happy family. Develop an energy and personality where simply your spirit and presence will heal others and rejuvenate your family.
2) Look at yourself. Ask yourself this question and give yourself a true answer: “Am I contributing to family happiness or unhappiness?”
3) Heal within any feelings of mistrust or anger. This can seem to be an impossible task. But it is achievable and vital to finding happiness and success.
People make mistakes. Some make them only once. Others repeat their mistakes over and over. Each person is doing the best they can at the emotional intelligence level they have achieved.
If someone is being hurtful, blameful, angry or attacking, they are living at a very low emotional intelligence level. That doesn’t mean you need to live in this painful place with them.
Practice treating everyone in the family with love. You may not be able to be around them because of their chosen personality or behaviors. You can pray, intend or send loving energy to them. They will receive it and the power of love will heal them in remarkable ways, often better than we could have dreamed.
4) Choose to live in the upper six levels of your Life Guidance System. You have 21 emotional levels. Fifteen create what you don’t want and six emotional levels create what you do want. People ask me, “Lori Prokop, how can I live in the emotional levels that create more of what I want and result in finding happiness?”
Don’t be a part of family problems. Heal yourself and become a cure. Don’t tell your family you have chosen to do this. Just do it. They will notice the difference. Your newly chosen emotional levels will create positive results. With your lead and example, your family members can learn to love and respect each other.
5) Encourage high regard for each other. Teach, by example, that each family member accepts all others and lets each be who they are.
With some wisdom and insight, it is easy to see how people’s personalities have developed. Even if you are repulsed by someone, it is possible to see why they act as they do.
When the development process and history of their personalities is respected, even the most difficult people lighten up. When people feel understood, they no longer feel the need to defend. Love and acceptance of each person’s history will create the feeling of goodwill and real understanding.
6) Have no certain expectations chiseled in stone. Rather, expect the best and be open to what that manifests as. When we expect something certain we are often limiting the outcome by our own limited thinking.
Do not expect everyone to change at once or that it will come easily. For some the change seems immediate, for others it can take time. For some healing will seem effortless, others will need to hit rock-bottom before they begin. For some letting go of harmful beliefs, hurtful thinking and destructive prejudices happens gradually, sometimes only after personal pain or disasters.
This is sometimes a challenge because we want things right now. Many times I say to myself, “Lori Prokop, why can’t these other people do the right things?”
Pray their healing will be a safe, loving and wonderful experience. The most important element is that someone must start the healing. It will pick up for others from there.
7) Believe in assistance from a Higher Power. This is a non-religious, non-denominational, spiritual step. Miracles can and will happen for those who ask for help from a Source of 100% pure light and love. Choose actions and options that are 100% pure light and love.
8) Intend only the best for each family member. One person using their power of intention by sending energy of 100% pure light and love to other family members, though he or she may do it without others knowing, will in time see others are motivated to improve their lives.
When the intention of 100% pure light and love becomes a family practice, members will grow deeper in spiritual connection and have an easier time finding happiness.
So here is what Lori Prokop believes. Ultimately, you can change even the toughest family situation for the better. You can help family member experience success and help yourself in the process of finding happiness.
7 Tips For Natural Glass Care
Every home has glass in it, whether it's wine glasses or lemonade glasses, punch bowls or flower vases. There are many different products for cleaning glass on the market, but some of them are too abrasive and will actually do damage to glassware. Here are a few tips to help you keep the glass in your house cleaner and brighter using only natural products, rather than the abrasiveness of some commercial glass cleaning products available.
1. If ammonia doesn't get rid of a chemical build up in your glassware, smear the glass surface with Vaseline (petroleum jelly) and leave overnight, or longer. Then wipe off and wash clean.
2. Methylated spirits rubbed on the outside panes of your windows will make them shine in a way you've never seen before. It will also bring out the iridescence to produce a blaze of sparkle and color.
3. Many people have reported having great results cleaning their glass using toothpaste. I wouldn't like to recommend any particular brand, so try a few and expect good results.
4. Efferdent tablets, which are used for cleaning dentures, are very effective in cleaning glassware. They contain a solid form of peroxide, which performs the cleaning part. Fill your glass with water and add two tablets. Let stand for an hour or so and rinse out.
5. Citric acid will clean glass and make it shine. To produce a concentrated solution, reduce pure lemon juice in a saucepan on the stove to half its volume. Use the cooled liquid on stubborn spots, letting it lie on the surface for at least an hour, then wipe off.
6. Vinegar diluted with a little water can be very effective for cleaning glass. If your glassware has difficult to reach areas, use a small soft haired artists brush.
7. Don't clean your windows when the sun is shining brightly. It will dry the panes too quickly, leaving streaks. Wait for a dull day and you'll get better results.

The History of Sunglasses
It may shock you to learn that sunglasses weren’t always used to protect people’s eyes from the sun. The history of sunglasses dates back to ancient China and Rome. It has been reported that the Roman emperor Nero enjoyed watching gladiator fights through polished gems. In China, sunglasses were used in the twelfth century or even earlier. Sunglasses were first made out of lenses that were flat panes of smoky quartz. These types of sunglasses could not correct vision, or protect from harmful UV rays, but did reduce glare. Chinese judges used the smoky quartz glasses to hide their facial expressions when they interrogated witnesses.
Sunglasses did not undergo further changes until about the eighteenth century because of the work of James Ayscough. He experimented with tinted lenses in spectacles. Ayscough was steadfast in the belief that glasses tinted with a blue or green color could potentially correct specific vision problems. Ayscough was not concerned with protecting the eyes from the suns rays.
Sunglasses underwent the change into the popular item they are today when Sam Foster introduced them to America in 1929. These sunglasses were designed to protect people’s eyes from the sun. Foster sold his sunglasses on the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Foster’s sunglasses were sold at Woolworth on the boardwalk.
In 1936, sunglasses became polarized when Edwin H. Land began using his patented Polaroid filter when making sunglasses. Around this time, even more Americans started buying sunglasses. Famous movie stars and musicians also began to wear sunglasses. They started to become not only a way to protect against sun glare, but also a way to be “cool.” Sunglasses became a cultural phenomenon, and some people wore them even when it wasn’t sunny, or when they were indoors.
Today, sunglasses continue to have advances. UV protection has almost become an industry standard, and there are sunglasses available for a variety of sports. There are numerous tints available for sunglasses, and sunglasses have changed styles over the years. Prescription glasses have also been given tints that only appear when the sun’s rays hit the glasses. In 2004, Oakley developed a brand of sunglasses that had a built-in digital audio player. Many blind people now wear sunglasses, and many recognizable celebrities can be found wearing sunglasses. Even fictional characters can be seen wearing them. Sunglasses have come a long way from their early Roman and Chinese history!
Look like a celebrity this summer!
Every celebrity out there knows the real value of a pair of designer sunglasses. Whether it's to hide the effects of a late night out on the town or an effort to blend in on the street, a pair of quality sunglasses is absolutely indispensable. We've seen a lot of trends come and go, but a great pair of sunglasses will always transcend the passing fads of the day.
With the summer just around the corner, we have begun our fashion trend spotting efforts for 2006. Like years passed, celebrities are on the forefront of eyewear fashion. One of my favorite pastimes is to monitor the fashion trends of my favorite celebrities. As with last season, big sunglasses are all the rage for the ladies. God bless you, Jackie O!
Carmen Electra is one of my favorite celebrities, and one of the most stylish women in entertainment. While I could do without another season of her dreadful "reality" television show, I am dying to get my hands on a pair of the Missoni shades she was recently spotted in. They are oversized and oh-so-glamorous!
Catherine Zeta-Jones may have a thing for old, outdated actors but her fashion sense is as fresh as a spring breeze. I recently saw her sporting a pair of Dolce & Gabbana glasses that were out of this world! I suspect they were the utterly amazing "4005" model. They were black, with the D&G logo designed into the arms of the glasses. The shades are big, bold, and beautiful!
Heidi Klum, our favorite supermodel and partygirl, has incredible fashion sense. I saw a picture of her earlier this week wearing a classic pair of Aviator shades. While a number of people in the fashion industry have been lamenting the prevalence of Aviator shades, I couldn't imagine a world without them. Heidi was wearing a pair made by Ray Ban, and they were absolutely fabulous!
Speaking of partygirls, how could I go on without mentioning Paris Hilton? I adore Paris. She may not be taken seriously as an actress or singer, but she reigns supreme over the fashion world. She was recently spotted wearing a pair of the new Oakley glasses for women. That's right, kids. Oakley just launched a new line of shades exclusively for women, and they are the must-have item for this fashion year. Believe the Hype!
Latest Top 6 Womens Watches To Hit The Market
Women's watches are exciting to watch and to wear. The latest top watches to arrive on the market are found on the internet. Access to the internet means you don't have to live in a large population center in order to have the latest and best fashion accessories and jewelry. The exciting thing about the new watches is that they come in every possible style and color to appeal to every woman's lifestyle.
Pierre Nicol Floral Collection
Even in the depths of winter, fashion watches from the series can make you think of spring. The women's watches feature a bezel design enamel silver case in a charming floral motif. The vibrant color of the flowers and vines that surround the face of the watch matches the color of the extra large easy to read dial. Choices of color include Hot Pink, Pumpkin, pale blue, and five other fashion hues. The movement is precise quartz and the band is wide, solid bracelet style with decorative floral matching the face. This is a watch that is a fashion statement as well as a time piece and any woman in a lighthearted mood would be thrilled to own it. Look for Pierre Nicol PN188-1251 in your favorite color.
Swiss Legend
The Swiss Legend Eleganza for women features a black leather strap with a crocodile finish. The fastener has push button deployment. The stainless steel case is set with 116 white diamonds in a full cut. These diamonds weigh in at 2.64 carats with excellent clarity and a color grade H. The movement is Swiss quartz. The dial is textured black with silver hands. The numerals are in an Arabesque style. The diamonds are set in a bezel style with a double row along each side of the face and a single row at top and bottom of the face. For a classy design to wear at the most fashion conscious occasions, choose this bold, yet elegant watch.
The accuracy of this brand continues to be popular among men and women alike. The Versailles Gold-tone stainless steel women's watch features a Swiss quartz movement with a sapphire crystal. The bracelet style of the band makes it dressy enough to wear with a business ensemble yet functional enough to wear to a coach your child's Little League team. The face of the watch is made of white mother of pearl. The hands and the numeral and stick markers are of gold tone. The watch is water resistant which can be important to anyone who loves water sports. Of course the accuracy of this brand name is built into the name itself.
For a truly unusual watch, you must see the women's Maori Diamond Black Rubber timepiece. The watch face is an offset triangle in a bezel setting. The watch face is silver and features the Maori tattoo. The tattoo is repeated in the black rubber band. 56 white diamonds accent the case with a combined diamond weight of 1.19 carats. Swiss made quartz movement with a sapphire crystal guarantees accuracy and dependability.
This is not a watch to be hidden under a long sleeve. It deserves to be flaunted both for its beauty and its unique design.
A Cartier timepiece is a luxury item. It is a recognized status symbol for every women who owns one. An example is the Cartier Women's Tankissime Solid 18 K Gold watch. It is a slightly rectangular watch with roman numerals on a silver grained dial. The bold links in the bracelet are the same width as the case and are fastened by a hidden clasp. There is nothing retiring about the 18 carat gold, yet the design is so clean and understated that the watch would make a lovely accessory to almost any classical style garment.
The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Lady Datejust 18kt Gold Ladies Watch speaks with quiet elegance. The case and bracelet are made of 18 carat yellow gold. The watch face is set in a fluted gold bezel design. The champagne dial is marked with Roman numerals. Quality is built into the 31 jeweled synthetic sapphire crystals. The bracelet is formed in the style known as President. The watch is a Rolex which almost speaks for itself in name recognition. The classic lines of this and other Rolex watches can be a welcome accessory with almost any type of ensemble from tennis dress to riding habit.
No matter what type of lifestyle you lead, choosing a women's timepiece that appeals to you is easy when you use the internet to narrow the selections. Think beyond the mundane and have fun with a new women's watch in one of the latest styles. You can expand your horizons in style by choosing something that's new and different from your usual look.
How to Plan a Great Vacation
Making sure your vacation goes according to plan is not difficult to do, but it does need to be planed carefully.
First you need to decide where to go, this year I have decided to go to Holland for my vacation. Once you have decided where you want to go on vacation you can start to plan the things you want to see and do. In Holland I am interested in the Van Gogh museum, the Rembrandt museum and the Casino.
I have always enjoyed casinos, so this is going to be my first chance to go to a casino in Europe, so how can I pass up the chance to play some European Roulette, and I have been practicing at an online casino, ok I have to admit I have also been "practicing" poker and blackjack, please don’t tell my wife.
After you have figure out where you want to go and what you want to do when you are there you can get a feel for where you want your hotel to be.
There are many different websites that offer the best prices on hotels, so make sure to check several of them before making a final decision. Most of these sites will offer pictures of the hotel facilities and the different rooms.
After looking at the hotels pick the top 3 and do a search on the internet for them. Try to find reviews from people that have stayed there before. The hotels site is always going to tell you how great the hotel is, but if someone were annoyed enough to trash a place or tell you how great it was, then you can be pretty sure they are telling you the truth.
The first hotel I was looking at for my Amsterdam trip said it was close to the center of the city, in a nice area, but reading reviews from former patrons told me the area was filled with drug addicts and homeless, and this is not really what I want to see on my vacation, so I found a much nicer location. It is a little farther from the city center but it is near the museums we want to go to, so by being closer to them we can get up early walk to the museums and spend the rest of the time walking around looking at the shops and attractions inside the city's center.
Now all that is left is packing the right clothes. Unless you are going to someplace where the weather is always a constant, make sure to pack clothes for both good and bad weather. My trip is in a week and the weather is expected to me mostly sunny and in the 50's but there is a chance of rain so I will be packing a coat for the rain, ad extra socks just in case.
If you are gong to be in Europe and plan to visit a casino you should know that in Europe casinos are more upscale then in the USA. They will not let you in wearing your shorts a T shirt and sandals, most casinos require men to wear a tie and jacket or a turtleneck.
It is also always helpful to buy a travel guide for where ever you are going. Besides having helpful recommendations for things to see and places to eat, many of them offer discounts for attractions.
Well the only thing left is to go and have a good time, I know I will.
Beauty Benefits of Hair Straighteners, Flat Irons, Curling Irons, Hair Dryers, and Hair Relaxers
From turning frizzy hair into a sleek and natural-looking style, millions of women around the world invest in quality hair straighteners, hair dryers, curling irons, and hair relaxers. Premium brands and companies are also investing in creating new products; the line of Sedu flat irons, Sedu hair straighteners, and ceramic hair straighteners are a popular choice for women interested in a basic style that stays in line with today's hairstyling trends. When the Solia flat iron was introduced, many women found this to be a better option than other flat irons on the market.
The process of drying hair, then curling, relaxing, or straightening it is one that takes time and the use of quality tools and products. If you are using the wrong hairstyling products, hair can easily become frizzy, damaged, and even break. This can lead to poor moisture and "dead" hair that is difficult or impossible to style. Finding the right hair dryer for the task at hand is just as important as finding the best styling tools, such as hair straighteners and curling irons. Hair relaxers are most commonly used for women with excessively curly, thick, or African American hair.
Americans spend approximately 7 billion dollars per year on hair styling equipment, salon visits, and general hair maintenance. Although there are many beauty benefits of staying ahead of the season's trends, changing the condition of the hair on a regular basis can cause hair damage.
Hair straighteners are one of the most popular ways to achieve a sleek and chic look, and many different methods have been tried. Still, one of the best ways to achieve this look is by using Sedu hair straighteners. These are combination of ceramic hair straighteners and ionic tourmalilne technology that make use of infra red heat. When a woman decides to use one of these tools, their hair becomes flat and free of curls without damage, because the heat they output is much less damaging than steam and standard flat iron hair straighteners in general.
Ceramic hair straighteners are becoming a popular choice because they are lightweight, can heat up quickly, and leave little damage to the particles of the hair. Women who do decide to straighten their hair at home need to find the best hair straighteners for their hair type, along with the best hair dryers for a complete routine. Many choose Sedu flat irons, simply for their ease of use and even heat distribution. The Solia flat iron is another popular choice and is constructed in a similar fashion as the Sedu flat iron.
Chi hair straighteners are another option for women looking to remove frizz and create a flat and sleek look. Chi hair straighteners first became popular with the Chi ceramic hairstyling iron. These hair straighteners and flat irons offer removable plates that also help protect the hair cuticle. Chi hair straighteners are designed in such a way that they help seal in color and moisture. Farouk Systems, Inc. is the only authorized manufacturer of the Chi hair products; finding an authentic model is an important part of the shopping process. Chi flat irons offer an adjustable temperature dial in addition to a flat heating option that provides intermittent heat for specific parts of the hair. Chi hair straighteners heat up very quickly, offering convenience and ease of use. The line of Chi hair straighteners is also available in three different sizes: Mini, Chi Turbo, and Big Chi Turbo.
When purchasing ceramic hair straighteners, especially Sedu hair straighteners or Sedu flat irons, it's important to set a budget. Most of the highlighted hair straighteners range in price from $100 to $150, and occasionally will be more expensive.
In order to make sure that the hair follicles and strands do not become damaged, the best hair straighteners are made with high quality ceramic plates. These units are designed to maintain steady temperatures and will prevent excessive heat damage from occurring. Hair straighteners made exclusively with metal plates, for example, will have uneven distribution and may lead to overheating of the hair. Sedu hair straighteners, as another example, have become famous for their steady heat regulation. This is why the ceramic hair straighteners are becoming the standard of choice for hair salons all over the civilized world.
The width of the ceramic hair straightener is important, since coarse hair types require the additional width. The size of the ceramic plates is also an important consideration when dealing with long hair, because once again, the larger plates can help provide a more even and consistent straightening of the hair. Many top quality hair straighteners and flat irons come with attachments for different sized plates. For women who are trying to be more creative with their hair, the different attachments can help with successfully creating these different hairstyles.
We recommend that you spend the extra time to discover which hairstyling equipment will best suit your everyday needs and your desires to be creative. Once you have purchased your hairstyling equipment, be sure to read the documentation that is shipped with it, so that you will have a full measure of the capabilities of your new hairstyling tools. Once you have received your new hairstyling tools, you will find that all of your "bad hair days" are a thing of the past.